DCs derived from WASp-null mice show a defect in random motility in complete medium (CM) in vitro. Immature BMDCs derived from control sv129 (wild-type [WT]) (A) and WASp-null (WAS) (B) mice were allowed to adhere to fibronectin-coated coverslips before analysis in a Dunn chamber. Cell movement was recorded over 300 minutes using time-lapse microscopy with frames taken at 10-minute intervals (original magnification, × 200). Parallel still images are shown of the first 50 minutes and represent the defective movement of WASp-null BMDCs (the full movie is available as supplemental movie 1A-B at the Blood website; see the Supplemental Movies link at the top of the online article). (C) Cell tracks collected using Kinetic Imaging and further analyzed using Mathematica notebook to generate data on the cell trajectories. Migration of WASp-null BMDCs was significantly impaired (P < .005, Student t test).