Morphology of the cells in the End or Methocult GF+ media and their immunofluorescence staining patterns. (A) The induced cells expressed high levels of CD31 (green; original magnification × 400). (B) The cells expressing high levels of CD31 could take up DiI-Ac-LDL, showing a punctate pattern of fluorescence (orange) characteristic of endothelial cells (original magnification × 400). (C) The induced cells expressed high levels of VWF (green; original magnification × 400). (D) The cells expressing high levels of VWF could take up DiI-Ac-LDL, showing a punctate pattern of fluorescence (orange) characteristic of endothelial cells (original magnification × 400). (E) The induced sibling cells from single-cell–derived clones on matrigel extended gradually to form a capillary-like structure on day 10 (original magnification × 100). The induced sibling cells formed BFU-Es (F, original magnification × 100), CFU-GMs (G, original magnification × 100), and CFU-Mk's (H, original magnification × 100). (I) FISH analysis of the induced cells, single red and green signal representing normal abl and bcr genes respectively, and the yellow signal representing fusion of abl and bcr genes (original magnification, × 1000). For panels A-D, a 40×/0.65 objective lens was used; for panels E-H, a 10×/0.25 objective lens was used; and for panel I, a 100×/1.25 objective lens was used.