Figure 7.
Figure 7. CD4+/CD56+ hematodermic neoplasm (blastic NK-cell lymphoma). (A) Presentation with large tumor on the back. (B) Monotonous infiltration of medium-sized tumor cells (H&E staining; original magnification, × 480). (C) The tumor cells strongly express CD56. Image acquisition for panels B and C was performed as described for Figure 1B. An HC Plan APO 40×/0.85 objective lens was used.

CD4+/CD56+ hematodermic neoplasm (blastic NK-cell lymphoma). (A) Presentation with large tumor on the back. (B) Monotonous infiltration of medium-sized tumor cells (H&E staining; original magnification, × 480). (C) The tumor cells strongly express CD56. Image acquisition for panels B and C was performed as described for Figure 1B. An HC Plan APO 40×/0.85 objective lens was used.

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