The pDCs in bone marrow are homogeneous with respect to most lympho-hematopoietic–cell antigens and represent a conspicuous subset of Fraction A. (A) Purified B220+CD19-Ly-6C+CD11cLo BM pDCs were labeled with the indicated cell surface markers and analyzed by flow cytometry. Dashed lines indicate isotype controls. (B) BALB/c wBM was stained for CD45R/B220, CD43, and CD19. CD45R/B220+CD43+CD19- cells were gated and sorted as indicated with boxes (i). The recovered cells (middle panel) were then stained with CD24 and resorted as B220+CD43+CD19-CD24-/Lo (Fraction A; ii). Sorted Fraction A cells were then stained and analyzed with respect to CD11c and Ly6C to discriminate B220+CD19-Ly-6C+CD11cLo pDCs among B220+CD43+CD19-CD24-/Lo Fraction A cells. (iii) Total numbers of pDCs (▪) and total Fraction A cells (▦) recovered from 4 harvested bones from 3 strains of mice are shown in the bar graph. Results are presented as the mean ± SD of 5 different experiments.