Figure 1.
Figure 1. Transgenic expression of BACH1 in vivo. (A) Northern blot analysis of BACH1 mRNA using total RNA extracted from the spleens of the wild-type and transgenic mouse littermates shows transgene expression in transgenic mouse lines 701, 705, and 706. (B) Northern blot analysis of BACH1, GATA-1, and p45 mRNAs using total RNA derived from various tissues in the transgenic (Tg) and wild-type littermates. Note that BACH1 mRNA was detected only in the spleens of the transgenic mice, whereas the levels of GATA-1 and p45 expression in the BACH1 transgenic mice were consistent with those of their wild-type littermates. (C) Immunoblotting analysis of BACH1 using tissue extracts from the transgenic mice (705, 706) and their wild-type littermates. Extracts were prepared from the spleens, livers, and QT6 cells that were transfected with BACH1 expression vector. Tissue extracts (20 μg) and 2 μg QT6 protein were separated by 7% SDS-PAGE. After electrophoresis, samples were incubated with anti-Bach1 antisera (A1-5).17 Bound antibody was detected by a peroxidase-conjugated secondary antibody to rabbit immunoglobulin. After stripping off the A1-5 antibody, subsequent immunoblot analysis was performed using an anti–β-tubulin antibody as a control for the amount of protein loaded in each lane.

Transgenic expression of BACH1 in vivo. (A) Northern blot analysis of BACH1 mRNA using total RNA extracted from the spleens of the wild-type and transgenic mouse littermates shows transgene expression in transgenic mouse lines 701, 705, and 706. (B) Northern blot analysis of BACH1, GATA-1, and p45 mRNAs using total RNA derived from various tissues in the transgenic (Tg) and wild-type littermates. Note that BACH1 mRNA was detected only in the spleens of the transgenic mice, whereas the levels of GATA-1 and p45 expression in the BACH1 transgenic mice were consistent with those of their wild-type littermates. (C) Immunoblotting analysis of BACH1 using tissue extracts from the transgenic mice (705, 706) and their wild-type littermates. Extracts were prepared from the spleens, livers, and QT6 cells that were transfected with BACH1 expression vector. Tissue extracts (20 μg) and 2 μg QT6 protein were separated by 7% SDS-PAGE. After electrophoresis, samples were incubated with anti-Bach1 antisera (A1-5).17  Bound antibody was detected by a peroxidase-conjugated secondary antibody to rabbit immunoglobulin. After stripping off the A1-5 antibody, subsequent immunoblot analysis was performed using an anti–β-tubulin antibody as a control for the amount of protein loaded in each lane.

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