Figure 1.
Figure 1. Myeloid defects in SDS. (A) Granulocyte chemotaxis toward rC5a. (B) NADPH-oxidase activity upon addition of serum-treated zymosan (STZ). Both tests compare purified neutrophils from patients with SDS and control subjects (n = 40). (C) BFU-E and CFU-GM of BM samples obtained from patients with SDS compared with healthy pediatric control subjects (n = 20) and children with benign autoimmune neutropenia of childhood (AINP; n = 6). The data are summarized from measurements performed over 5 years of study follow-up. Each patient is represented once. Some have been tested more often, in that case the mean of the experiments is taken. Results are the mean of standard triplicates, and error bars indicate standard deviation. Significance is marked as †P < .05, *P < .001, and **P < .0001.

Myeloid defects in SDS. (A) Granulocyte chemotaxis toward rC5a. (B) NADPH-oxidase activity upon addition of serum-treated zymosan (STZ). Both tests compare purified neutrophils from patients with SDS and control subjects (n = 40). (C) BFU-E and CFU-GM of BM samples obtained from patients with SDS compared with healthy pediatric control subjects (n = 20) and children with benign autoimmune neutropenia of childhood (AINP; n = 6). The data are summarized from measurements performed over 5 years of study follow-up. Each patient is represented once. Some have been tested more often, in that case the mean of the experiments is taken. Results are the mean of standard triplicates, and error bars indicate standard deviation. Significance is marked as †P < .05, *P < .001, and **P < .0001.

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