Flow cytometry and Cμ-deletion analysis of circulating sIgD+ B cells. (A) After FACS sorting of sIgD+ and sIgD- subsets (left), the PCR products obtained (right) from extracted DNA showed Cμ deletion in the fraction of large sIgD+ (R2) but not sIgD- (R3) cells (lane 1, 1000 R2 cells [∼ 2.5 kb]; lane 2, 3000 R3 cells; lane 3, 3000 unsorted mononuclear cells; lane 4, 30 sIgD+IgM- tonsillar cells [∼ 0.7 kb]; and lane 5, H2O control). The fraction of naive sIgD+IgM+ cells (R1) was not tested. Sample equivalent to 2 million unsorted mononuclear cells was positive (not shown). (B) Top row shows the gating performed to select large sIgA+ and sIgD+ cells (encircled) with relatively low levels of CD19 and sIg for further analysis (CD14+ monocytes excluded). CCR10 was variably expressed by both categories of blasts, while CCR4 and particularly CCR7 were mainly expressed by the large sIgD+ cells. One of 3 representative experiments is displayed with mean ± SD. (C) Whereas large sIgA+ cells were strongly positive for α4β7, large sIgD+ cells expressed mainly intermediate to low levels of this integrin, like naive sIgD+ small B lymphocytes. Both large sIgD+ and large sIgA+ cells expressed abundant levels of the postgerminal center marker CD27 (right). One of 3 representative experiments is displayed. Cursors were set on the basis of isotype- and concentration-matched control Abs, and in Figure 4C (left) to discriminate 3 levels of α4β7 expression.