Figure 1.
Mutations and subclonality in the cohort. (A) Stacked bar chart showing the number of variants per patient (left y-axis). Bars indicate the contributions of clonal variants and subclonal variants. Yellow dots represent the percentage of subclonal variants per patient (right y-axis). (B) Scatter plot representing correlation between the number of subclonal mutations and the total number of mutations. Each dot represents a patient. The correlation was computed by using Pearson’s correlation coefficient. (C) Box plot representing the distribution of variant number in NDMM (samples pertain to the CoMMpass data set) and RRMM. First, second, and third quartiles are represented by horizontal bars, and the whiskers point to the 1.5 interquartile range of the upper quartile and lower quartile. To make this comparison, our cohort was re-analyzed with MuTect, Strelka, and Seurat to ensure accuracy of the analysis. (D) Waterfall plot showing the overall number of mutations for the most commonly mutated genes and their prevalence (% of mutations) in patients. Genes mutated at a statistically significant rate are indicated by an asterisk.