GATK-PathSeq analysis of BPDCN skin transcriptomes reveals normal cutaneous microbiota. (A) BPDCN skin tumor and biopsy stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) and for CD123, representative of all BPDCNs sampled containing similar relative amount of tumor. Scale bars, 0.5 mm. (B) The number of GATK-PathSeq non-host microbe-mapped reads and non-host unmapped reads. (C) (Top) Genera relative abundance of GATK-PathSeq bacteria-assigned reads in skin samples. For clarity, only the top 10 genera are displayed. Samples are clustered with Euclidean distance based on the relative abundance of these 10 genera. (Bottom) Absolute number of GATK-PathSeq mapped reads assigned to the superkingdom bacteria in each sample (Cnt = normal skin). Color bar is genera relative abundance of reads. (D) Unsupervised hierarchical clustering using the 315 most differentially expressed human genes (rows) in the 15 skin samples (columns). Genes associated with each cluster were tested for enrichment in the c2.cp (canonical pathways) gene set deposited in the Molecular Signatures Database v7.0, and representative gene sets are displayed. FDR, false discovery rate; IFN, interferon; mRNA, messenger RNA.