Spectrum of CH for cases with anemia and control individuals. (A) Mutational landscapes for all somatic mutations detected in the anemia (top, red) and control (bottom, blue) cohort. A darker shade indicates 2 or more mutations in the same gene for the respective individual. (B, left) contribution of recurrently mutated genes to the spectrum of CH detected in the anemia (red) and control (blue) cohort. Bars indicate the proportion of individuals with a gene mutation, whereas absolute frequencies are noted for each gene. Forest plot indicating the ORs (circles) and 95% CIs (horizontal lines) for recurrently mutated genes occurring in cases with anemia as compared with control individuals (right). P values are from Fisher’s exact test. The category “other” includes all genes with mutations detected fewer than 10 times. (C) Contribution of CH restricted to DTA (DNMT3A, TET2, ASXL1) genes vs other mutational patterns to the spectrum of CH in cases with anemia and control individuals. (D) Violin plot showing the distribution in the number of mutated genes for cases with anemia (red) and control individuals (blue) with CH. Median number of mutated genes is shown for each cohort (gray rectangles). (E) Highest VAFs detected among individuals with CH from the anemia (red) and control (blue) cohort. Box and whisker plots: boxes represent median, first and third quartiles, with whiskers extending to 1.5× interquartile range.