Figure 3.
Mutational spectra for different types of anemia. Contribution of CH restricted to DTA (DNMT3A, TET2, ASXL1) genes vs other mutational patterns to the spectrum of CH in cases with nutrient deficiency anemia (n = 198) (A), anemia of chronic disease (n = 89) (B), and unexplained anemia (n = 304) (C). Contribution of recurrently mutated genes to the spectrum of CH, shown for cases with nutrient deficiency anemia (n = 198) (D), anemia of chronic disease (n = 89) (E), and unexplained anemia (n = 304) (F). All cases with anemia were compared with 1:1 matched control individuals. For panels D-F, bars indicate the proportion of individuals with a gene mutation, whereas absolute frequencies are noted for each gene.