Inv(3)-driven EVI1 expression promotes Mk-lineage skewing. (A-B) Absolute numbers of MEP (A) and Mks (B) in the bone marrows of 12-week-old WT (blue circle), Gata2+/gfp (red square), 3q21q26-EVI1 (green triangle), and 3q21q26-EVI1::Gata2+/gfp (purple reverse triangle) mice. (C) Percentages of c-Kit+ cells in (CD41+CD61+) Mk of WT (blue circle), Gata2+/gfp (red square), 3q21q26-EVI1 (green triangle), and 3q21q26-EVI1::Gata2+/gfp (purple reverse triangle) mice. (D) Platelet (PLT) counts in the peripheral blood of WT (blue circle), Gata2+/gfp (red square), 3q21q26-EVI1 (green triangle), and 3q21q26-EVI1::Gata2+/gfp (purple reverse triangle) mice. Note that inv(3)-driven EVI1 expression promotes Mk and platelet numbers through increased MEP abundance. (E) Absolute numbers of erythroid cells in the bone marrows. (F) Red blood cell (RBC) counts in the peripheral blood of WT (blue circle), Gata2+/gfp (red square), 3q21q26-EVI1 (green triangle), and 3q21q26-EVI1::Gata2+/gfp (purple reverse triangle) mice. (G-J) Absolute numbers of neutrophils (G), monocytes (H), B cells (I), and pDCs (J) in the bone marrows of WT (blue circle), Gata2+/gfp (red square), 3q21q26-EVI1 (green triangle), and 3q21q26-EVI1::Gata2+/gfp (purple reverse triangle) mice. (K) Absolute numbers of thymocytes from WT (blue circle), Gata2+/gfp (red square), 3q21q26-EVI1 (green triangle), and 3q21q26-EVI1::Gata2+/gfp (purple reverse triangle) mice. (L) A model for lineage skewing by misexpression of EVI1 (red arrows) and Gata2 (green circle). Values represent the means ± SD. *P < .05; **P < .01 (1-way ANOVA).