Figure 1.
Characteristics of somatic mutations found in allo-HSCT cohort. (A) Schematic outline depicting study design and analyses performed. (B) Spectrum of somatic mutations found in donors and recipients of allo-HSCT. (C) Number of individuals with 1, 2, or 3 mutations. (D) Type of mutations. (E) Distribution of types of base pair changes for single-nucleotide variants. (F) VAFs in the total cohort and in donors and recipients, respectively. Mann-Whitney test was used to calculate statistical significance (ns, nonsignificant).

Characteristics of somatic mutations found in allo-HSCT cohort. (A) Schematic outline depicting study design and analyses performed. (B) Spectrum of somatic mutations found in donors and recipients of allo-HSCT. (C) Number of individuals with 1, 2, or 3 mutations. (D) Type of mutations. (E) Distribution of types of base pair changes for single-nucleotide variants. (F) VAFs in the total cohort and in donors and recipients, respectively. Mann-Whitney test was used to calculate statistical significance (ns, nonsignificant).

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