mTORC1 gene set enrichment in serum proteomics (A) GSEA of serum proteomic data from 88 iMCD patients compared with 42 healthy controls. In iMCD, genes involved in the mTORC1 signaling pathway were significantly enriched (FDR, 0.243) below the FDR set at 0.25. This targeted GSEA of mTORC1 signaling was performed in addition to and separately from a comprehensive proteomics analysis carried out by coauthors (S.K.P. and D.C.F., manuscript submitted January 2020) that did not include GSEA analysis comparing all iMCD patients to healthy controls for the mTORC1 signaling pathway or others. (B) Volcano plot for iMCD vs controls of the mTORC1 genes/proteins quantified with the SOMAscan platform. The cutoff for significance is indicated by the dotted line (FDR ≤0.05). The 7 significantly different genes are all labeled and increased in iMCD compared with healthy controls. All positive fold-change values belong to the proteins that are increased in the iMCD group compared with healthy controls.