Figure 2.
PCA of LMs, specialized proresolving mediator profiles, in healthy and sickle cell mice exposed to H/R stress. (A) Three-dimensional score plot of sickle cell mice under normoxia (red; n = 3) or exposed to 10 hours of hypoxia (8% oxygen) and followed by 18 hours of reoxygenation (yellow; n = 3) for murine spleen samples. Ellipses mark 95% confidence regions. (B) Three-dimensional loading plot. (C) Quantitative pathway network of sickle cell murine spleen samples. Node size represents the mean values (in picograms) of sickle cell normoxia spleen samples (n = 3). Node color denotes the fold changes in sickle cells exposed to hypoxia (10 hours 8%), followed by 18 hours of reoxygenation, vs sickle cell normoxia.