Telomere length discordance in short telomere patients with MDS/AML. (A) Mean of Δ telomere length from age-adjusted median in lymphocytes for patients with aplastic anemia and MDS/AML. (B) Age of diagnosis for patients with aplastic anemia and MDS/AML shows older age of onset for the latter group. (C) The degree of deviation from the age-adjusted median in lymphocytes and granulocytes in short telomere cases without (n = 20; median age, 60 years; range, 45-76 years; 13 male/7 female) and with MDS/AML (n = 17; median age, 54 years; range, 12-74 years; 11 male/6 female). Mean is graphed plus or minus standard error of the mean. **P = .001 (Mann-Whitney U test); ***P < .001 (Wilcoxon rank matched-pair test). (D) Longitudinal lymphocyte and granulocyte telomere lengths for 1 individual obtained at idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) diagnosis and 4 years later at MDS diagnosis. The intervening age of lung transplant is graphically annotated by the arrow at age 72.