Three-dimensional structure of TME4-6 and α-thrombin complex. (A) Ribbon models of the complex between α-thrombin (blue) and TME4-6 (pink, EGF4 domain; green, EGF5 domain; yellow, EGF6 domain). The dashed black box indicates the interaction interface between thrombin and TM as shown in B. (B) The thrombin and TM interaction interface. The surface representation of the EGF6 domain is overlaid with G412 in the EGF5 domain that is shown as spheres (blue, red, and green spheres are nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon atoms, respectively). (C) Stick representation of the calcium-binding residues in the EGF6 domain. The Ca2+ is shown as a light-blue sphere. The 3-dimensional structure of the thrombin-TM complex was obtained from the database of the Protein Data Bank (PDB; using PDB ID:1DX5.26.