Figure 5.
PRC1 and DNA methylation contributes to BC by promoting cell survival and proliferation. MTS assays of 3 CML cell lines that were incubated (3 days) with (A) PTC209, (B) decitabine (DAC), (C) GSK126. Results shown as mean ± standard deviation (n = 3). (D) CFAs showing the effect of PTC209 (2.5 μM), DAC (200 nM), and GSK126 (2.5 μM) on BC CD34+ cells. *P = .006; **P = .023. (E) CFAs showing combination effect of PTC209 and DAC on primary BC and normal CD34+ cells. *P = .0018; ^P = .14. (F) Three rounds of serial replating (SRP) assays were performed with primary CD34+ BC cells. Relative colony formation is a percentage of the number of colonies in each sample relative to that in the first SRP DMSO control. *P = .0003 (1st SRP); **P = .0001 (2nd SRP); ***P = .0026 (3rd SRP). (G) Overlap of differentially expressed genes (log2FC > 0.58 or log2FC < −0.58; FDR < 0.05) induced by PTC209 and DAC (either single or combined). (H) Top GO terms for differentially regulated genes after drug treatment.