Figure 4.
Lineage priming programs in HSC and transcription factors switch. AUC scores of signature genes of early B progenitors (A) and MEP (B) in HSCs. The x-axis shows pseudo-time ordering of HSCs. The y-axis shows AUC scores of expression of lineage signature genes. Normalized expression levels of SPI1 in HSCs (C) and GMPs (D). Dynamic expression of GATA2 (blue), GATA1 (red), and SPI1 (also known as PU.1; brown) in differentiation from HSCs to MEPs determined by pseudo-time ordering with Palantir in healthy donors (E) and patients (F). The x-axis shows pseudo-time ordering from HSC to MEP estimated by Monocle 2. The y-axis shows normalized gene expression by scaleData function in Seurat package.