Figure 6.
Reversal of DOAC-induced bleeding with superFVa and rhFVIIa in wild-type BalbC mice. Mice were treated with apixaban (8 mg/kg) (A), rivaroxaban (40 mg/kg) (B), and dabigatran (0.4 mg/kg) (C) by IV tail vein injection and bleeding was measured for 20 minutes after tail clip. Blood loss was expressed in microliters of blood per gram (g) mouse. Increasing doses of superFVa, rhFVIIa, or rhFVIIa in combination with superFVa were injected retro-orbitally 30 minutes after DOAC administration and 5 minutes before tail clip. Error bars represent SEM (n = 8-12 per group). P values were determined by Kruskal-Wallis followed by a 2-tailed Mann-Whitney U test and values ≤.05 were considered statistically significant.