Figure 2.
Definition and distribution of the UKALL prognostic index, along with association with risk of relapse. (A) The linear model derived from the coefficients of the multivariate model. (B-C) Bar charts show the distribution of the patient-specific prognostic index values derived from the model for the discovery (B) and validation (C) cohorts. The in-laid table gives the mean, median, standard deviation (SD), and minimum/maximum values of the distribution. The line shows the smoothed risk of relapse estimated for 10 equal-sized subgroups. (D) Table shows hazard ratios for the UKALL prognostic index as a continuous variable from univariate Cox models across the 2 cohorts and 3 trials within the validation cohort. CYTO-GR, cytogenetic good risk; CYTO-HR, cytogenetic HR; τ(WCC), log-transformed WCC value.