Comparison of wild-type and 1472H mice. (A) VWF expression was normal for both the WT* (human exon 28, human GPIbα replacing the murine sequence in those regions) and 1472H mice, as indicated by the similar levels of VWF:Ag between the groups. The y-axis denotes the VWF:Ag in U/dL for wild-type (WT*, D1472) and 1472H mice. Error bars denote 1 standard deviation. Squares represent male mice; circles represent female mice. (B) VWF binding to platelet GPIbα (VWF:GPIbM/VWF:Ag) also did not differ for 1472H mice. The y-axis denotes VWF:GPIbM/VWF:Ag ratios for the same groups of mice. (C) Collagen binding with type III (CB3) and type IV (CB4) collagen did not differ. The y-axis shows the collagen binding to VWF (VWF:CB/VWF:Ag) ratios for collagen III on the left and collagen IV on the right. Triangles represent mice for whom sex was not known. (D) Tail bleeding times in seconds for WT* and 1472H mice. No statistical difference was seen. (E) Multimer distribution for the WT* and 1472H mice. Lane 1 has a C57Bl6 plasma standard, lane 2 has WT* plasma, and lane 4 has the 1472H mouse plasma. Full multimer distribution was seen for all mice. (Lane 3 contains an irrelevant plasma.)