Robust depletion of BCMA mRNA indicates effective AMG 701–mediated elimination of BCMA+cells in blood and BM of cynomolgus monkeys in vivo. (A) Mean (± standard deviation) exposure of AMG 701 in cynomolgus monkeys (n = 3 per group), represented as area under the concentration-time curve (AUC), calculated as nanomolar AMG 701 administered per day times 12 days of administration. (B) Absolute number of BCMA and J-chain mRNA transcripts in blood and BM per nanogram of RNA quantified by ddPCR predose (Pre) and on days 6 (D 6) and day 12 (D 12) postdose in cynomolgus monkeys, treated as in panel A. Numbers indicate mean percentage of depletion relative to predose. T-cell activation shown as CD69+ percentage of CD3+ cells (C) and serum concentration of interferon-γ (IFNγ; left panel) and MCP-1 (right panel) (D) over time in cynomolgus monkeys, treated as in panel A.