General features of TCRA repertoire reconstitution. (A) Sharing of identifiable TCR clones between the donor graft and pooled TCR clones form the recipient GI tract. Results from 1 representative experiment are shown for total TCR sequences obtained (upper panels) and unique clones (lower panels). T-cell clones from the donor graft were identified as being shared in all, 2, or just 1 recipient group GI tract pooled TCR repertoire at days 9 to 11. A small proportion of the distinct TCR clonal sequences are shared among groups; however, the clones that occur at the most abundant frequency are commonly found across all groups (gray). Distinct donor TCR repertoire can be identified in C57BL6 syngeneic recipients (green), MHC major-mismatched BR10 (red), and BALB/c recipients (purple) or in both major but not syngeneic recipient mice (tan). (B) Sharing of distinct TCR clones among individual recipient mice. A representative transplant experiment is shown (experiment T1; n ≥ 3 mice per group) with degrees of clonal overlap shown by a Venn diagram comparing TCR clones within recipient groups for clones found in any recipient (first row, n = 1), clones found in at least 2 recipients (second row, n = 2), clones found in at least 3 recipients (third row, n = 3), clones found in all recipients within a group (fourth row, n = 3 or 4), and shared clone found across all mice in all transplant recipient groups. The only 1 common clone shared by 3 groups is iNKT CDR3 clone (last row).