Figure 4.
Glomerular transcriptomic analysis of κF-DH. (A) MA plots of normalized transcript values from κF-DH vs WT (left) and κF-DH vs DH (right) glomeruli (n = 4 DH and κF-DH mice and n = 5 WT mice). Examples of overexpressed genes in the cell-cycle (red) and matrisome (blue) pathways are represented. (B) Top 20 enriched pathways based on the C2 canonical pathways from the Molecular Signatures Database (MSignDB v.6.2). All differentially expressed genes in κF-DH compared with both WT and DH glomeruli (supplemental Figure 5A) are included in the analysis (n = 155 upregulated and n = 37 downregulated genes). FDR q values of the overlaps are represented on the bar graphs. (C) Intracellular Ki67 staining on frozen kidney sections of κF-DH compared with DH mice; the analysis was performed in 5-month-old mice. Glomeruli are surrounded, and positive cells appear in red (arrowhead). Scale bars, 30 µm. (D) Mean of Ki67 positive cells in glomeruli of complete kidney section of κF-DH compared with DH mice (n = 4 of each strain). Note the increase of Ki67+ cells in κF-DH glomeruli compared with DH mice. Means ± standard error of the mean, and comparisons between 2 groups were calculated using the nonparametric Mann-Whitney test. *P < .05.