Figure 4.
Percentage of MO1s in the 233 cases grouped by disease. (A) Flow cytometry results are shown as the percentage of MO1 identified for the 5 groups analyzed (39 OM-CMML, 54 CMML, and 23 MDS that did not meet OM-CMML diagnostic criteria; 15 MPN with ≥1 × 109/L monocytes, and 102 reactive monocytosis). Each dot represents a patient result for the MO1 test, and lines represent the median percentage for each disease group. The dotted line indicates the 94% cutoff of the test. ***P < .001. (B) The distribution of monocyte subsets is shown for 5 examples, each one from a different disease group. The percentage of the 3 monocyte subsets (MO1, MO2, and MO3) out of the total monocytes is displayed for each example. ns, not significant.

Percentage of MO1s in the 233 cases grouped by disease. (A) Flow cytometry results are shown as the percentage of MO1 identified for the 5 groups analyzed (39 OM-CMML, 54 CMML, and 23 MDS that did not meet OM-CMML diagnostic criteria; 15 MPN with ≥1 × 109/L monocytes, and 102 reactive monocytosis). Each dot represents a patient result for the MO1 test, and lines represent the median percentage for each disease group. The dotted line indicates the 94% cutoff of the test. ***P < .001. (B) The distribution of monocyte subsets is shown for 5 examples, each one from a different disease group. The percentage of the 3 monocyte subsets (MO1, MO2, and MO3) out of the total monocytes is displayed for each example. ns, not significant.

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