Identification of a TP53-related immune gene set in patients with TP53-mutated AML (SAL and Bologna cohorts). (A) Volcano plot (R package version 1.4.0) showing DE genes (P threshold = .01; log2 fold change ≥1.5) between patients with TP53-mutated (n = 42) and TP53-WT AML (n = 22). B) Heatmap displaying the 34 genes with the greatest differential expression between patients with TP53-mutated and TP53-WT AML (P threshold = .01; log2 fold change ≥1.5). ClustVis, an online tool for clustering of multivariate data, was used for data analysis and visualization. (C) Analysis of functional protein association networks using STRING ( Top 10 molecules interacting with DE genes between TP53-mutated and TP53-WT AML are shown together with their predicted mode of action (highest-confidence interaction scores >0.900). Network nodes (query proteins) represent proteins produced by a single protein-coding gene locus. White nodes represent second shells of interactors. Empty and filled nodes indicate proteins of unknown or partially known 3-dimensional structure, respectively. Edges represent protein-protein associations. Line shapes denote predicted modes of action. (D) Correlation between abnormalities of genes in the TP53 immune classifier and prognostic molecular lesions, including TP53 mutations, in TCGA-AML cases. Data were retrieved and analyzed using cBioPortal for Cancer Genomics ( and were compared using the Fisher's exact test. NS, not significant.