Page 521: In the first bullet point under “Introduction,” “must to be made” should read “must be made.”
Page 523: In the sentence that begins “In addition” in the first paragraph, “little to no residual anticoagulant effect from more than 30 ng/mL” should read “little to no residual anticoagulant effect of more than 30 ng/mL.”
Page 523: In the second column from the right in Table 2, the heading “Dabigatran CrCl <0” should read “Dabigatran CrCl <50.”
Page 523: In the first sentence of the second paragraph under “Warfarin,” “foregoing” should read “forgoing.”
Page 524: In the first bullet point under “Thromboembolic risk stratification,” “CHADS2-VA2Sc” should read “CHA2DS2-VASc.”
Page 524: In Table 3, in the “Atrial fibrillation” section and the footnote, “CHA2DS-VA2Sc” should read “CHA2DS2-VASc.”
Page 526: In the second paragraph under “Off-label drug use,” “Bishoy Raghe” should read “Bishoy Ragheb.”
The errors have been corrected in the published article.