By the 17th RH-K–matched RBCu, 75% of patients with SCD who can make antibodies will have already made their first.
First antibody specificities are predictive of additional antibody formation (highest for FY, JK, Ss and high frequency antigens).
Visual Abstract
Red blood cell (RBC) transfusion is a major therapy for sickle cell disease (SCD). Patients are at risk of forming antibodies to RBC antigens, which can result in the impossibility to find compatible units and can cause hemolytic transfusion reactions. This retrospective study investigates the evolution of RBC consumption and the frequencies, specificities, and chronology of the appearance of antibodies in a population of patients consistently receiving RH (C, D, E, c, e) and K–matched RBC units (RBCus) from a predominantly European donor population. Over the 11-year period in the Paris area, 6496 patients received transfusion at least once for a total of 239 944 units. Antibodies were made by 1742 patients. The first antibodies of a patient were predictive of subsequent immunization. By the 17th RBCu transfused (by the 20th, excluding warm autoantibodies), 75% of the patients who would make antibodies had made their first. By the 16th, 90% who would make antibodies to a high frequency antigen had made their first antibody to these antigens. Females made their first antibodies slightly earlier than males. Patients who received multiple transfusions (>50 units) had a higher immunization prevalence than those who rarely received transfusion (<12 units) but fewer clinically significant antibodies. Patients with SCD and prophylactic RH-K matching not immunized by the 20th RBCu are likely to have a low alloimmunization risk (to antigens other than RH-K), that is, be low responders, especially relative to the most clinically significant antibodies. This number of 20 units is a point before which close monitoring of patients is most important but remains open to future adjustment.
Sickle cell disease (SCD), affecting an estimated 19 800 to 32 400 patients in 2016,1 is the most frequent genetic disease in France. Sixty percent of patients with SCD (pSCDs) reside near Paris,1 an administrative region with >12 million residents and 200 hospitals. Transfusion is a major therapy, but patients are at risk of forming antibodies to red blood cell (RBC) antigens.2-4 Phenotype mismatch is frequent when patients are mainly of Afro-Caribbean descent but donors mainly of European descent: rare phenotypes differ5 as does the distribution of common antigens, with a lower prevalence of C, E, Fya, Fyb, Jkb, and S antigens in Afro-Caribbeans.6 However, alloimmunization remains high when donors are of African descent.7,8 Partial antigens, that is, variations of common antigens, primarily D, C, and e in the Rh blood group system, present a risk of immunization if carriers are exposed to the conventional antigen,9-11 and low-frequency antigens (LFAs) in reference to the European population have a higher prevalence among Afro-Caribbeans.5,12,13 Beyond this diversity, inflammatory status of pSCD, especially during acute episodes, promotes erythrocyte alloimmunization.14 Alloimmunization is a well-known risk factor for additional antibody formation15 and can lead to delayed hemolytic transfusion reactions (DHTRs), sometimes with life threatening hyperhemolysis.16
The American Society of Hematology recommends selecting RBC units (RBCus) matched for D, C, E and K antigens for all pSCDs and suggests (with low certainty) extending compatibility to the FY, JK, and MNS systems for alloimmunized patients (also called high responders10) when there is a high risk of hyperhemolysis.17 Because of the limited treatment options for DHTR, an increasing number of clinicians request prophylactic matching for the extended phenotype for patients who are nonimmunized and at high risk of DHTR because evanescent antibodies may be missed by antibody screening tests. In most settings, such matching is not possible for all patients, and a major challenge in blood bank inventory management is reserving rare extended phenotype RBCus from Afro-Caribbean donors for patients who would benefit from them the most. Patients under transfusion exchange programs require a large number of units but rarely experience hyperhemolysis.16,18 Little is known about the chronology of antibody formation in patients, which limits the ability to adapt the unit selection strategy on a case-by-case basis.
Since 1998, pSCDs in France received transfusion with leuco-reduced RH-K–matched RBCus (including c and e), after serological crossmatch.19,20 Antigen-negative units are selected prophylactically to heed partial RH antigens,9-11 and immunized patients receive units compatible for the cognate antibodies. Matching for LFAs such as Cw, Lua, Jsa, V/VS, and Kpa is not mandatory.19,20 Patients who are considered at a high risk of hyperhemolysis because of a history of hyperhemolysis or a history of immunization to a high frequency antigen (HFA) or an antigen of the extended phenotype (AEP), FY, JK, and Ss, receive RBCus matched for that AEP. Since 2008, all transfusions are recorded in a single, centralized, regional database by Etablissement français du sang. Thanks to universal health care and national guidelines,21 patient management is relatively homogenous.
The study aimed to study the evolution of RBCu consumption for pSCD, frequencies of antibodies and antibody associations, identify risk factors for additional antibody formation using the chronology of appearance of antibodies, and identify characteristics of high and low-responder patients.
We conducted a retrospective analysis of patients (SS, SC, or Sβ) who received transfusion with at least 1 RBCu between 2008 and 2018 in the Paris area. Previously known patients and patients entered in the database for the first time during the period were eligible. We collected data on patient demographics, patient and donor unit antigen phenotypes, transfusions (unit count, dates, and number during the period and units received before 2008), and antibodies (dates and specificity).
Within the network of laboratories using the database, antibody screens were performed by gel testing in the indirect antiglobulin test at 37°C, with additional testing with enzyme-treated panel cells when necessary. Antibody screens are mandatory in the 72 hours preceding each transfusion, at each patient visit or hospitalization, and prescribed 1 to 3 months after each transfusion. Individual antibody screens were not available to be reviewed but interpretation is expected to be consistent between the laboratories because they follow the same standard operating procedures. Warm autoantibodies (WAAs) are typically panagglutinations in the absence of recent transfusion, with positive autocontrols and a positive direct antiglobulin test or autoreactive antibodies directed at an antigen expressed by the patient (such as auto–anti-D or auto–anti-Jka), which can be eluted from or adsorbed onto the patient’s own RBCs. Because pSCDs often receive transfusions, the percent of hemoglobin A, when available, can be helpful for the interpretation of WAAs. Antibodies of undetermined specificity (AUSs) may be reported either for previously identified antibodies not characterized to save resources (eg, weakly reactive anti-E) or because of a lack of appropriate panel cells or for emerging antibodies. Cold autoantibodies are not routinely detected but are not predictive of additional or clinically significant antibody formation.22
Antibody subgroups were defined to facilitate the analysis and interpret data in broader terms. RH-K antibodies were anti-D, anti-C, anti-E, anti-c, anti-e, and anti-K. Antibodies to AEP were anti-Fya, anti-Fyb, anti-Jka, anti-Jkb, anti-S, anti-s, and anti-N. Anti-M, anti-Cw, and antibodies to Lewis antigens are generally naturally occurring antibodies (NOAs) and were considered as a group. Antibodies to HFAs and LFAs, AUSs, and WAAs (with or without an identified specificity) were considered as separate groups.
Transfusion indications were not available. To approximate patients who received transfusion in acute situations and during transfusion exchange programs, we defined 2 groups: patients who occasionally received transfusions were those who received a total of ≤12 units over the study period (occacionally transfused group) whereas patients who received multiple transfusions (multitransfused group) were those who received ≥50 units.
Statistical analysis
The analysis was performed in 3 steps, as shown in the study flowchart (Figure 1). Statistical analysis was conducted with SAS software 9.4, and significance set at P = .05 for this exploratory study.23 Step 1 focused on RBCu consumption of all patients over the study period.
Step 2 investigated patients with antibodies to RBC antigens, antibody distribution and prevalence, order of antibody formation, and association between antibody subgroups. Patients who received transfusion or were immunized before universal leukoreduction (1998) were excluded. We compared immunization based on sex at 3 moments in life: childhood (aged 0-18 years), childbearing years (aged 18-50 years), and later (aged >50 years) using log-rank test. Because previous studies found that receipt of their first transfusion after the age of 5 was associated with higher immunization rates,24 we compared immunization in patients who received their first transfusion at different ages. χ2 with Yate correction for continuity, when small numbers required it, or exact Fisher tests were used to compare the order in which antibodies (or groups of antibodies) appeared and the risk of subsequent antibody formation, determine whether new specificities were influenced by previous specificities, and compare patients who occasionally received transfusions and those who received multiple transfusions.
Step 3 was a longitudinal analysis of patients who made their first recorded antibody after 2008 and after their first transfusion to reduce bias introduced by older data and antibodies unrelated to transfusion. The number of units that patients received before their first positive antibody screen was analyzed as Kaplan-Meier survival curves, in which each event was the first immunization of a patient.
Ethics statement
The protocol was submitted and approved by Etablissement français du sang. Registration on the Health Data Hub platform was not required for this fully anonymized data set, in accordance with French legislation and as confirmed by the Health Data Hub. The study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki.
Step 1: all patients who received transfusion: RBCu consumption from 2008 to 2018
From 2008 to 2018, 6496 patients received transfusion with a total of 239 944 RBCus. Patients received from 1 to 1372 units. Each year, an average of 1806 patients received transfusion with a median of 7 units (Figure 2). The 3 main pediatric and 5 main adult hospitals transfused 78.9% of units, whereas 59.6% (n = 106) of the remaining hospitals had <1 patient per year receive transfusions, and 22.5% (n = 40) had <10 patients per year receive transfusions. Patients were committed to their transfusion center, with 87.7% patients receiving transfusions at a single or 2 facilities over the 11-year period (supplemental Data). Mean age at first transfusion was 15.3 years (range, 0-84 years), and the median age was 10.4 years (interquartile range [IQR], 3-25). Sex ratio was 0.8 (male to female). Comparison of 2008 and 2018 as per the age at transfusion shows an increase in the total RBCu count for all age groups and an important increase in mean units per patient for adults aged from 26 to 55 years (Figure 2).
RBC transfusions for N = 6496 pSCDs in the Paris area. (A) Number of patients receiving transfusion and number of RBCus transfused each year: 2008-2018 study period and recent 2019-2021 evolution (data added during revision). (B) Sum of all RBCus transfused per year based on the age at transfusion (curve) and comparison between year 2008 and year 2018 (histogram). (C) Mean number of RBCus per patient per year based on the age at transfusion (curve), and comparison between year 2008 and year 2018 (histogram). (D) Overlay histogram of the distribution of the number of RBCus transfused per patient, comparing the proportion of immunized and nonimmunized patients for each number of RBCus received. Data shown as percentages (of immunized or nonimmunized patients, respectively), rather than the number of patients, to facilitate visual comparison. The first bar shows that 3.8% of immunized patients and 10.5% of nonimmunized patients only received 1 unit. Data are truncated at 100 units received for clarity, but the distribution goes on with similar profile until the largest number of units received in the cohort (1372).
RBC transfusions for N = 6496 pSCDs in the Paris area. (A) Number of patients receiving transfusion and number of RBCus transfused each year: 2008-2018 study period and recent 2019-2021 evolution (data added during revision). (B) Sum of all RBCus transfused per year based on the age at transfusion (curve) and comparison between year 2008 and year 2018 (histogram). (C) Mean number of RBCus per patient per year based on the age at transfusion (curve), and comparison between year 2008 and year 2018 (histogram). (D) Overlay histogram of the distribution of the number of RBCus transfused per patient, comparing the proportion of immunized and nonimmunized patients for each number of RBCus received. Data shown as percentages (of immunized or nonimmunized patients, respectively), rather than the number of patients, to facilitate visual comparison. The first bar shows that 3.8% of immunized patients and 10.5% of nonimmunized patients only received 1 unit. Data are truncated at 100 units received for clarity, but the distribution goes on with similar profile until the largest number of units received in the cohort (1372).
Patient phenotypes were as expected, with a high prevalence of O (48.1%), B (23.3%), D+C–E–c+e+K– (59.4%), Fy (a–b–) (90.6%), Jk (a+b–) (58.2%), and S–s+ (73.7%) and comparatively high prevalence of S–s– (U– or Uvar+; 1.6%).6,25 Definite exposures to Fya, Fyb, Jka, and Jkb antigens for patients who were antigen-negative ranged from 23.2% to 32.0%, with an additional unknown number of exposures for ∼55% of RBCus with untested extended phenotype (Table 1). Patients were less likely to be exposed to the cognate antigen if they had S– phenotype (18.3% of the units transfused to patients with S– phenotype were of S+ phenotype) but more likely to be exposed if they had s– phenotype (40.2%). Patients (n = 476) who received transfusion or were immunized before universal leukoreduction (1998) were excluded from subsequent steps of the analysis.
Exposure to FY, JK, and Ss antigens in the full cohort (N = 6496) and incidence of alloimmunization
Patient phenotype . | Patients, n . | RBCus, n . | RBCs with a phenotype for the antigen . | Antibodies . | |||
Negative, n, % . | Unknown (not determined) n, % . | Positive n, % . | n, % relative to patients negative for the antigen . | % antibodies compared with the number of RBCs positive/not determined for the antigen . | |||
Fy(a–) FY: –1 | 5845 | 220 520 | 47 773 Fya– 21.7 | 121 494 55.1 | 51 253 Fya+ 23.2 | 99 anti-Fya 1.7 | 0.06% anti-Fya per Fy(a+) or Fya unknown RBC |
Fy(b–) FY: –2 | 5744 | 213 690 | 23 650 Fyb– 11.1 | 121 620 56.9 | 68 420 Fyb+ 32.0 | NA∗ | NA∗ |
Jk(a–) JK: –1 | 353 | 16 203 | 2835 Jka– 17.5 | 8602 53.1 | 4766 Jka+ 29.4 | 30 anti-Jka 1.1 | 0.22% anti-Jka per Jk(a+) or Jka unknown RBC |
Jk(b–) JK:–2 | 3559 | 137 843 | 24 005 Jkb– 17.4 | 78 544 57.0 | 35 294 Jkb+ 25.6 | 126 anti-Jkb 3.5 | 0.11% anti-Jkb per Jk(b+) or Jkb unknown RBC |
S– MNS: –3 | 4610 | 177 097 | 45 388 S– 25.6 | 99 352 56.1 | 32 357 S+ 18.3 | 181 anti-S 3.9 | 0.14% anti-S per S+ or S unknown RBC |
s– MNS: –4 | 404 | 13 791 | 1051 s– 7.6 | 7194 52.2 | 5546 s+ 40.2 | 9 anti-s 0.8 | 0.07% anti-s per s+ or s unknown RBC |
Patient phenotype . | Patients, n . | RBCus, n . | RBCs with a phenotype for the antigen . | Antibodies . | |||
Negative, n, % . | Unknown (not determined) n, % . | Positive n, % . | n, % relative to patients negative for the antigen . | % antibodies compared with the number of RBCs positive/not determined for the antigen . | |||
Fy(a–) FY: –1 | 5845 | 220 520 | 47 773 Fya– 21.7 | 121 494 55.1 | 51 253 Fya+ 23.2 | 99 anti-Fya 1.7 | 0.06% anti-Fya per Fy(a+) or Fya unknown RBC |
Fy(b–) FY: –2 | 5744 | 213 690 | 23 650 Fyb– 11.1 | 121 620 56.9 | 68 420 Fyb+ 32.0 | NA∗ | NA∗ |
Jk(a–) JK: –1 | 353 | 16 203 | 2835 Jka– 17.5 | 8602 53.1 | 4766 Jka+ 29.4 | 30 anti-Jka 1.1 | 0.22% anti-Jka per Jk(a+) or Jka unknown RBC |
Jk(b–) JK:–2 | 3559 | 137 843 | 24 005 Jkb– 17.4 | 78 544 57.0 | 35 294 Jkb+ 25.6 | 126 anti-Jkb 3.5 | 0.11% anti-Jkb per Jk(b+) or Jkb unknown RBC |
S– MNS: –3 | 4610 | 177 097 | 45 388 S– 25.6 | 99 352 56.1 | 32 357 S+ 18.3 | 181 anti-S 3.9 | 0.14% anti-S per S+ or S unknown RBC |
s– MNS: –4 | 404 | 13 791 | 1051 s– 7.6 | 7194 52.2 | 5546 s+ 40.2 | 9 anti-s 0.8 | 0.07% anti-s per s+ or s unknown RBC |
Exposure to the Fyb antigen might be compared with anti-Fy3 and/or anti-Fy5 (n = 73; 2 patients were determined to have both anti-Fy3 and anti-Fy5), made by 1.0% of Fy(b–) patients, that is, 0.04% anti-Fy3 or anti-Fy5 per RBC transfused bearing a Fy(b+) or unknown Fyb phenotype.
Step 2: antibodies to RBC antigens
In total, 1742 patients made antibodies (Figure 3). The median age at first antibody formation was 12.2 years (IQR, 5.8-26.1). The distribution of the total number of units received per patient was different between immunized and nonimmunized patients (P < .0001; Figure 2D): as expected, immunized patients had received more RBCus. Figure 4 shows that age and sex had an effect on immunization. Women of childbearing age formed antibodies earlier than males (P = .0049), but there was no difference between male and female during childhood (P = .1690) or later in life (P = .7352). Age <5 years at first transfusion was weakly associated with earlier immunization (P = .0395).
Antibodies (historical or newly developed) reported in n = 1742 pSCDs who received transfusion. (A) Distribution of antibodies per antibody specificity and (B) distribution of antibodies per patient; there were 498 different combinations of antibodies. Antibodies or combinations reported in <5 patients are not shown. Antibodies to HFAs included anti-Fy3 (n = 58), anti-Fy5 (n = 17), anti-Jsb (n = 5), anti-U (n = 9), anti-Coa (n = 3), (n = 1), and anti-Hy, anti-Joa, and anti-Ena (n = 1 each). n = 31 antibodies to HFAs were not identified at the first occurrence. HTLA, high titer-low affinity; NI-LFA, nonidentified low-frequency antigen; US, unspecified specificity (which could be a previously identified antibody that was not characterized to save resources or for lack of appropriate panel cells, or an emerging antibody).
Antibodies (historical or newly developed) reported in n = 1742 pSCDs who received transfusion. (A) Distribution of antibodies per antibody specificity and (B) distribution of antibodies per patient; there were 498 different combinations of antibodies. Antibodies or combinations reported in <5 patients are not shown. Antibodies to HFAs included anti-Fy3 (n = 58), anti-Fy5 (n = 17), anti-Jsb (n = 5), anti-U (n = 9), anti-Coa (n = 3), (n = 1), and anti-Hy, anti-Joa, and anti-Ena (n = 1 each). n = 31 antibodies to HFAs were not identified at the first occurrence. HTLA, high titer-low affinity; NI-LFA, nonidentified low-frequency antigen; US, unspecified specificity (which could be a previously identified antibody that was not characterized to save resources or for lack of appropriate panel cells, or an emerging antibody).
Influence of age and sex on immunization. (A) Comparison based on sex and for ages 18 to 50 years (pregnancy data were not available, and some pregnancies might have occurred earlier or later than these ages). (B) Comparison between patients whose first transfusion occurred before or after the age of 5 years. Crosses show censored data, that is, each time a patient made an antibody or the last known transfusion for the patient if they made no antibodies.
Influence of age and sex on immunization. (A) Comparison based on sex and for ages 18 to 50 years (pregnancy data were not available, and some pregnancies might have occurred earlier or later than these ages). (B) Comparison between patients whose first transfusion occurred before or after the age of 5 years. Crosses show censored data, that is, each time a patient made an antibody or the last known transfusion for the patient if they made no antibodies.
Patients who made any antibody were more likely to make additional antibodies and 1742 of 6020 patients were immunized (29.8%). Of these, 900 patients made 1 antibody, and 842 (48.3%) made multiple antibodies (n = 412 made 2 different antibodies, n = 224 made 3, n = 107 made 4, and n = 99 made ≥5 different antibodies). Patients made antibodies with between 1 and 14 different antibody specificities. (Figure 3; supplemental Results). The most frequent antibodies were WAAs (n = 873), AUSs (n = 800), anti-C (n = 289), NOAs (280 anti-M, 247 anti-Lea, and 131 anti-Leb), anti-E (n = 188), anti-S (n = 181), anti-Jkb (n = 126), anti-D (n = 102), and antibodies to LFAs (n = 108 anti-Kpa, n = 61 anti-Cw, and n = 55 anti-Lua).
Step 2b: order of antibody formation
Figure 5 shows that the first antibody to appear is predictive of subsequent immunization. Patients who made a WAA or NOA at their first immunization were less likely to develop a second antibody compared with patients who made another type of antibody first. Patients whose first immunization included an antibody to RH-K, an AEP, or HFA were at a higher risk than other patients of developing a second antibody. The distribution of antibodies after a WAA or RH-K antibody was not random (P < .0001). After a WAA, the second antibody was more likely to be an AUS than when the first immunization did not include a WAA; an RH-K antibody was more likely to be followed by an AUS or a WAA than when the first immunization was not to RH-K. Other associations did not reach statistical significance. The immunization risk when the first immunization included an AUS or antibody to an LFA was not significantly different from that of patients who made another type of antibody first, but the most frequent second antibody after an AUS was a WAA (n = 79).
Risk of second antibody formation, depending on the antibody formed at first immunization in n = 643 patients for whom chronological analysis of immunization could be performed. Relative risk (RR) compared with that for all immunized patients, with 95% confidence interval (CI). When the first immunization included a WAA or NOA (RR and CI < 1), the risk was reduced compared with that in other patients; when the first immunization included an antibody to RH-K, AEP, or antibody to a HFA, the risk was higher (RR and CI > 1); the risk of second immunization after a first immunization including an AUS or antibody to a LFA was not significantly altered. The RR was highest when the first immunization included an antibody to an HFA. Those included anti-Fy3 (n = 8), anti-Fy5 (n = 4), anti-U (n = 4), anti-Coa, anti-Jsb, and anti-Joa, (n = 1 each), and n = 8 not identified at first detection.
Risk of second antibody formation, depending on the antibody formed at first immunization in n = 643 patients for whom chronological analysis of immunization could be performed. Relative risk (RR) compared with that for all immunized patients, with 95% confidence interval (CI). When the first immunization included a WAA or NOA (RR and CI < 1), the risk was reduced compared with that in other patients; when the first immunization included an antibody to RH-K, AEP, or antibody to a HFA, the risk was higher (RR and CI > 1); the risk of second immunization after a first immunization including an AUS or antibody to a LFA was not significantly altered. The RR was highest when the first immunization included an antibody to an HFA. Those included anti-Fy3 (n = 8), anti-Fy5 (n = 4), anti-U (n = 4), anti-Coa, anti-Jsb, and anti-Joa, (n = 1 each), and n = 8 not identified at first detection.
Step 3a: number of units before immunization
Chronology of transfusion and immunization analyzed in 643 patients is shown in Table 2. Female patients made their first antibody slightly earlier than males, after 6 units (IQR, 2-14), vs 7 (IQR, 3-21) for males (supplemental Data). Antibodies to HFA and AEPs were made earlier than other antibody specificities, after 6 (IQR, 3-10) and 5 (IQR, 3-20) units, respectively (Table 2; Figure 6). The 1255 patients who had not made an antibody by the 20th unit received an additional 118 796 RBCus, ranging from 1 to 1277 units per patient (mean, 94.7; median, 33) in addition to the 20 units already received; only 71 of 1255 patients (5.7%) subsequently developed clinically significant antibodies (to RH-K, HFA, LFA, or AEP).
Number of RBCs received before the first antibody detection in n = 643 patients, for whom chronological analysis and analysis of groups of antibodies could be performed
. | All antibodies . | All antibodies except WAAs . | All antibodies with specificity (excluding WAAs and AUS) . | Analysis for groups of antibodies (analyzed separately from other specificities) . | ||||
WAAs only . | RH-K only . | AEP only . | HFA only . | LFA only . | ||||
Patients, n | 643∗ | 588∗ | 478∗ | 424∗ | 205∗ | 198∗ | 61∗ | 137∗ |
Mean | 23.03 | 27.63 | 26.99 | 24.17 | 37.38 | 14.80 | 8.89 | 49.55 |
SD | 58.98 | 72.17 | 73.44 | 45.55 | 87.58 | 36.30 | 11.09 | 99.80 |
Minimum | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Q1 (25%) | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 5 |
Median | 6 | 7 | 6 | 8 | 10 | 6 | 5 | 13 |
Q3 (75%) | 17 | 20 | 17 | 21 | 30 | 10 | 10 | 42 |
90% | 52 | 56 | 55 | 66 | 87 | 28 | 16 | 105 |
95% | 91 | 103 | 105 | 100 | 165 | 64 | 24 | 257 |
Maximum | 623 | 698 | 700 | 361 | 700 | 306 | 64 | 623 |
. | All antibodies . | All antibodies except WAAs . | All antibodies with specificity (excluding WAAs and AUS) . | Analysis for groups of antibodies (analyzed separately from other specificities) . | ||||
WAAs only . | RH-K only . | AEP only . | HFA only . | LFA only . | ||||
Patients, n | 643∗ | 588∗ | 478∗ | 424∗ | 205∗ | 198∗ | 61∗ | 137∗ |
Mean | 23.03 | 27.63 | 26.99 | 24.17 | 37.38 | 14.80 | 8.89 | 49.55 |
SD | 58.98 | 72.17 | 73.44 | 45.55 | 87.58 | 36.30 | 11.09 | 99.80 |
Minimum | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Q1 (25%) | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 5 |
Median | 6 | 7 | 6 | 8 | 10 | 6 | 5 | 13 |
Q3 (75%) | 17 | 20 | 17 | 21 | 30 | 10 | 10 | 42 |
90% | 52 | 56 | 55 | 66 | 87 | 28 | 16 | 105 |
95% | 91 | 103 | 105 | 100 | 165 | 64 | 24 | 257 |
Maximum | 623 | 698 | 700 | 361 | 700 | 306 | 64 | 623 |
Q1, first quartile; Q3, third quartile; SD, standard deviation.
HFAs: n = 30 anti-Fy3, n = 8 anti-Fy5, n = 4 anti-U, n = 2 anti-Jsb, n = 1 each anti-Joa, anti-Ena, anti-Hy with anti-Fy3, and n = 14 were not identified at first detection.
Highlighted cells (bold): 75% of patients start forming antibodies by the 17th RBCu (or by the 20th unit when WAAs are excluded); 90% who form antibodies to HFA will have made their first by the 16th RBC unit.
Columns are not mutually exclusive because the first antibody detection could reveal ≥2 specificities identified on the same date (eg, anti-D and anti-Jkb or a WAA and an antibody to a LFA).
Kaplan-Meier curve for the number of RBC units received before the first positive antibody screen in n = 643 patients for whom no antibodies had been reported before the study period or before their first transfusion. The first positive antibody screen for each patient is counted as an event. Curves are shown for all antibodies and for subgroups: WAAs, AUS, antibodies to RH antigens (D, C, E, c, and e) or Kell (RH-K), to AEP, and to HFA. (A) The full cohort. (B) Zoom-in focusing on 0 to 50 RBCus, with a vertical bar representing 20 RBCus, after which 90% of patients who will make antibodies to HFA have made their first such antibody, and >75% of patients who will make antibodies to RH-K antigens, AEPs, WAAs, and AUSs will have made their first such antibody. The figure was generated with software SAS 9.4 and R.
Kaplan-Meier curve for the number of RBC units received before the first positive antibody screen in n = 643 patients for whom no antibodies had been reported before the study period or before their first transfusion. The first positive antibody screen for each patient is counted as an event. Curves are shown for all antibodies and for subgroups: WAAs, AUS, antibodies to RH antigens (D, C, E, c, and e) or Kell (RH-K), to AEP, and to HFA. (A) The full cohort. (B) Zoom-in focusing on 0 to 50 RBCus, with a vertical bar representing 20 RBCus, after which 90% of patients who will make antibodies to HFA have made their first such antibody, and >75% of patients who will make antibodies to RH-K antigens, AEPs, WAAs, and AUSs will have made their first such antibody. The figure was generated with software SAS 9.4 and R.
Step 3b: occasional vs multiple transfusions
Between 2008 and 2018, alloimmunization prevalence was higher in patients who received multiple transfusions (≥50 units; 156 of 660 patients; 23.6%), likely to be in exchange transfusion programs, than in patients who only occasionally received transfusion (≤12 units; 259 of 3451 patients; 7.5%; P < .0001), likely for acute situations. The distribution of antibodies was different between the 2 groups, with more WAAs, AUSs, or antibodies to LFAs but fewer NOAs and antibodies to an AEP or HFA (P < .0001) in the multitransfused group (supplemental Data). The number of immunization occurrences (dates when new antibody specificities were detected) and number of immunized patients by the 12th RBCu were not significantly different (supplemental Data).
This, to our knowledge, is the largest retrospective study on alloimmunization of pSCDs to date,7,24,26-29 in a population consistently receiving prophylactically RH-K–matched units from a predominantly European donor population. The aim of the study was to study chronology and number of units received before antibody formation and trends for similar antibodies.
Units transfused to pSCDs in 2022 reached twice the number transfused in 2008, accounting for nearly 10% of all RBCus transfused in the Paris area. The notable increase in units transfused to patients aged ≥26 years suggests that the rise in unit consumption is driven by an extended life expectancy and more intensive treatment in these age groups. The major increase in RBCu consumption after 2015 follows 2 studies that showed that chronic organ damage, strokes, and cardiovascular–related complications were a major cause of mortality among pSCDs from 1979 to 2010 in France.30,31 French guidelines published in 2015 promoted transfusion programs21 to prevent these complications.32-34 Limitation of avoidable transfusions such as preoperative transfusions35 does not counterbalance the number of units required for transfusion exchange programs, with automated exchanges requiring even more units per exchange.34,36
Patients form their first antibodies after only a few transfusions.24,29,37 When all antibodies or antibodies with a determined specificity (excluding WAAs and AUS) were considered, 75% of patients made their first antibody by the 17th RBCu. Excluding only WAAs, it was by the 20th RBCu. Antibodies to HFAs and AEP were made even earlier, with 90% of first antibodies to HFAs developed by the 16th RBCu, suggesting that these antigens are highly immunogenic. This range is similar to observations in smaller cohorts24 and is only a few units more than the previously established threshold of 12 units for increased DHTR risk.18 Patients not immunized after the 20th RH-K–matched unit were likely to be low responders, that is, at a low risk for alloimmunization. Until the 20th unit, patients and their antibody screens should be monitored closely. Immunization events followed an exponential decay curve, and only in rare cases did patients appear to be less sensitive but capable of alloimmunization.
Many variables may influence alloimmunization risk, such as age and sex. Women of childbearing age have increased risks of alloimmunization due to pregnancies.38,39 Contrary to young age being a protective effect, as previously reported,24 patients aged ≤5 years at first transfusion appeared to make antibodies earlier. However, the similarity between the curves for the 2 age groups, a P value close to .05, and the absence of difference when other age limits were tested (P = .2283 for patients whose first transfusion was before or after the age of 3; supplemental Data) suggests that the effect may not be major.
Future, prospective studies may allow for adjusting the threshold of 20 units observed in this cohort, and propose an individual risk score with additional variables. Factors that affected the detection of antibodies in this cohort and could be better accounted for in a prospective, controlled study include antibody evanescence (failure to detect the antibody in the optimal time frame) and true exposures to each antigen (eg, a random unit may or may not be Fy(a+)). Innate and external factors have been shown to influence the risk of alloimmunization40,41 and could be considered as additional variables for a personalized score, including inflammation14 and transfusion indications. Transfusions in acute situations promote alloimmunization more than those in transfusion programs7,24,26,28 while being at the highest risk for DHTR with hyperhemolysis18,42 (DHTR events are recorded in another national database and could not be extracted for this study).
Our findings also suggest a link between transfusion in acute situations and clinical significance of antibodies: although patients who received multiple transfusions have higher cumulative RBC antigen exposure, patients who received only occasional transfusions made more antibodies with specificities that are considered clinically significant. The difference was not due to the immunization rate, which was similar after the same number of units had been transfused. Multiple RBCus transfused together can expose a patient to multiple RBC antigens, but the alloimmunization risk associated with the transfusion of 4 Jk(b+) RBCu, for example, may not be very different from the transfusion of a single Jk(b+) unit.43 We found no evidence in this cohort for an increased risk of alloimmunization when multiple units were transfused within a short time or, conversely, spread over time (supplemental Data).
Antibodies to RH-K, LFAs, and AEPs in the cohort were interesting. Despite French19 and international17 recommendations match RH-K for pSCDs, n = 515 (29.6%) of the immunized patients (7.9% of the entire cohort) made RH-K antibodies. This is lower than that of other cohorts7,26 and represents a decrease compared with our earlier observations,9,11 probably partly because of the relatively recent generalization of prophylactic selection of antigen-negative RBCus for partial antigens (except for RHCE∗ce733G),9-11 which have a high prevalence in pSCDs.7,26 Some anti-C may be unrecognized, mimicking antibodies and not true alloantibodies.44,45
Few antibodies to LFA typically expressed by individuals of African descent (V, VS, Jsa, etc)13 were found. Such antibodies are evanescent, only exceptionally represented on panel cells in France and may go undetected13,46 but may represent up to one-third of alloantibodies in pSCDs who received transfusions with units from African donors.12 Conversely, many anti-Cw, -Kpa, and -Lua were detected. Although anti-Cw can be naturally occurring, these numbers probably result from the presence of these antigens, typically expressed by European individuals, on routine panel cells and frequent transfusion of units from European donors. Donor ethnicity cannot be recorded or used for unit selection. The rarity of D+C–E− donors and prophylactic use of D– units for partial D often require resorting to D–C–E− units (likely from European donors) for the transfusion of patients who have D+C–E− phenotype.47 Patient who have D+ phenotype with partial C may also receive D–C–E− for a lack of D+C–E− units. In this study, 29.0% of the RBCus transfused to patients with D+ phenotype were of D– phenotype. This may contribute to the lower proportion of anti-D in this cohort than in others7,26 but put a strain on inventory.
The observation of antibodies to AEP were of particular interest to us, because clinicians are increasingly requesting units matched for nonimmunized patients’ extended phenotypes. AEPs that pSCDs most often lack are Fya, Jkb, and S, but units negative for all 3 are rare. Comparing exposures to immunizations in this cohort appeared consistent with a higher immunogenicity for S and Jkb, although relative immunogenicity of all and the most immunogenic antigens is difficult to establish and varies depending on the methodology.48,49 In this study, patients with Fy(a–) or Jk(b–) phenotype were exposed to the cognate antigen more than patients with S–, although extended phenotypes were not known for half the units (a previous study determined that when the extended phenotype was determined for all units transfused to nonimmunized pSCDs, the likelihood of patients who were Fya–, Jkb–, or S– being exposed to each of the cognate antigens was ∼55% per RBCu and per antigen).50 However, anti-S was the most frequent antibody to an AEP (some of which may be explained be naturally occurring antibodies25), as reported in previous SCD cohorts,27 whereas anti-Fya has been detected more often than anti-Jkb in other cohorts.7,26 This difference compared with our cohort could be due to evanescence or different donor populations. Antibodies to Jk antigens are known to be evanescent46,47,51 but common causes of DHTR.6,25 Anti-Fya may be a precursor of anti-Fy3 or anti-Fy5,25 but this did not seem to be the case in this cohort. One in 3 patients with anti-Fya made anti-Fy3 or anti-Fy5; n = 66 made anti-Fya but no anti-Fy3/anti-Fy5; n = 40 made anti-Fy3/anti-Fy5 but no anti-Fya; and n = 33 made anti-Fya and anti-Fy3/anti-Fy5, among which n = 18 made the antibodies concomitantly or within days or weeks of one another, but only n = 7 made anti-Fya months or years before anti-Fy3/anti-Fy5. Overall, anti-Fya is only rarely a precursor to anti-Fy3 or anti-Fy5. Our observations encourage matching primarily for S and Jkb antigens.
All immunized patients had an increased risk of subsequent antibody formation and antibody specificities at first immunization were predictive of future antibody formation. Pathophysiology to explain why some antibody specificities may precede others is an active field of fundamental research. A recent study in mice showed that immune priming of T cells to an intracellular antigen can influence subsequent alloantibody formation to a surface RBC antigen.52 Whether the mechanism could be the same in humans remains to be investigated. In our study, the immunization risk after HFA was the highest. First antibody specificities associated with a lower risk (but still higher than pSCD with no antibodies) were WAAs28 and NOAs. We found a link between AUS and WAAs in our cohort, likely because of AUS being reported when a WAA has become too weakly reactive to agglutinate all panel cells. Similarly, RH-K antibodies were likely to be followed by an AUS, probably reported as an RH-K antibody with decreased reactivity (regulations require 3 reactive cells to confirm specificity). NOAs, especially anti-M, are not uncommon in children with SCD,53,54 often unrelated to transfusion and stimulated by infections.25,55 These antibodies are considered of low clinical significance in most patients but may rarely cause DHTR,6,56 and caution is warranted when such antibodies are reactive at 37°C or patients have a history of hyperhemolysis.57 Any antibody has the potential of causing DHTR with hyperhemolysis in pSCDs.6,56,58
In practice, our findings support adjusting transfusion strategies (in addition to RH-K matching) based on the number of units received and antibody specificities in immunized patients. Table 3 illustrates our proposed strategy for phenotype matching in pSCDs. Although prophylactic RH-K matching will always be necessary and decisions must also be taken on a case-by-case basis, we would generally discourage introducing extended phenotype matching after the 20th RBCu or when only WAAs, anti-M, anti-Lewis, antibodies to RH-K, or AUSs have been identified, in the absence of DHTR history. History of DHTR, regardless of antibodies identified17,59 and risk factors of DHTR,18 should always be taken into account. When extended phenocompatibility is required but inventory strained, we suggest primarily matching for S and Jk antigens.
Suggested approach to phenotype matching
History of hyperhemolysis? | None | Yes. Consider avoiding transfusion when possible∗ | |||
Previous transfusions | ≤20 RBCus† | >20 RBCus† | ≤20 RBCus† | >20 RBCus† | |
Historical and current antibodies | No antibodies | RH-K matching w/wo case-by-case extended pheno matching‡ | RH-K matching | RH-K and extended pheno matching | RH-K matching w/wo case-by-case extended pheno matching |
Antibodies to RH-K and WAAs | RH-K matching | RH-K and extended pheno matching | RH-K matching w/wo case-by-case extended pheno matching | ||
AUSs | RH-K matching + monitor the antibody screen closely for an emerging antibody | RH-K and extended pheno matching | RH-K matching w/wo case-by-case extended pheno matching | ||
NOAs | RH-K matching | RH-K and extended pheno matching, plus consider matching for the NOA if it is active at 37°C and/or had developed after transfusion | RH-K matching w/wo case-by-case extended pheno matching, plus consider matching for the NOA if it is active at 37°C and/or had developed after transfusion | ||
AEP | RH-K and extended pheno matching |
History of hyperhemolysis? | None | Yes. Consider avoiding transfusion when possible∗ | |||
Previous transfusions | ≤20 RBCus† | >20 RBCus† | ≤20 RBCus† | >20 RBCus† | |
Historical and current antibodies | No antibodies | RH-K matching w/wo case-by-case extended pheno matching‡ | RH-K matching | RH-K and extended pheno matching | RH-K matching w/wo case-by-case extended pheno matching |
Antibodies to RH-K and WAAs | RH-K matching | RH-K and extended pheno matching | RH-K matching w/wo case-by-case extended pheno matching | ||
AUSs | RH-K matching + monitor the antibody screen closely for an emerging antibody | RH-K and extended pheno matching | RH-K matching w/wo case-by-case extended pheno matching | ||
NOAs | RH-K matching | RH-K and extended pheno matching, plus consider matching for the NOA if it is active at 37°C and/or had developed after transfusion | RH-K matching w/wo case-by-case extended pheno matching, plus consider matching for the NOA if it is active at 37°C and/or had developed after transfusion | ||
AEP | RH-K and extended pheno matching |
Based on this and previous work,5,18,42,59 in a setting with a predominantly European donor pool, with RH-K matching. The exact threshold can be adjusted for specific donor and patient populations.
pheno, phenotype; w/wo, with or without.
Consider using immunosuppressive drugs such as rituximab.5
The threshold observed in this study may vary in other populations, and individual risk may be subject to variation.
Conditions for high risk of hyperhemolysis include acute, inflammatory situations and patients who received <12 RBCus.18
Limitations of the study
This macroscopic, retrospective study of alloimmunization in a real-life setting has limitations. First, RBCu counts extracted from the regional database: some patients might have received additional transfusions in other regions, during travel or when abroad.
Second, in the detection of antibodies: all transfusions, but not all antibody screenings, are recorded in the regional database, and some antibody screens might have been performed outside of the network. This is likely a relatively minor issue, because most positive screens will be forwarded for antibody identification or crossmatch to larger laboratories using the regional database. The network’s laboratories use the same standard operating procedures for antibody detection and reporting, but variability in interpretation may exist, and specificities of AUSs and antibodies to LFAs are not systematically identified. The dates of screening tests were not controlled, and some antibodies might have been missed because of evanescence or if patients missed the recommended screening test 1 to 3 months after transfusion. The analysis spans 11 years of data, but patients may develop additional antibodies subsequently.
Third, findings are influenced by French practices that go beyond current international guidelines: the selection of units matched for c and e, prophylactic selection of antigen-negative units for most partial Rh antigens, and extension of phenotype matching in nonimmunized patients with a high risk for hyperhemolysis, whenever possible. Conversely, patients might have exceptionally undergone transfusion, not following the guidelines, for example, for urgent care at a new facility that is not aware that the patient has SCD. Thresholds found here may vary depending on donor and recipient populations. When less extensive matching is provided, adhering exactly to international guidelines, lower thresholds for immunization are expected,24 and thresholds that we propose here are likely to be conservative.
Lastly, the statistical analysis for this exploratory study was not corrected for multiple testing,23 and some of the associations might have occurred by chance. Limitations are expected in a retrospective analysis, and further monitoring of alloimmunization in pSCDs in different settings will continue to be necessary.
The authors thank Pavlos-Aimilios Marinatos and Brigitte Bonneaudeau (Etablissement français du sang, Saint-Denis, France) for assistance with the ethical requirement procedures. The authors thank Connie M. Westhoff, Christine Lomas-Francis (New York Blood Center, NY), and Stella Chou and Stacey Uter (Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, PA) for discussion of their experience of anti-Kpa alloimmunization in pSCDs. The authors also thank Corinne Pondarré (Centre Hospitalier Intercommunal de Créteil, France) and Bérengère Koehl (Hôpital Robert Debré, Paris, France) for discussion of their experience in performing transfusions for children with SCD and Suella Martino (Referral Center for Sickle Cell Disease, Henri Mondor Hospital, Créteil, France). Moreover, the authors thank Christophe Tournamille (Etablissement français du sang Créteil, France) for discussion of Rh variants and management of pSCDs; and the late Catherine Collet (Etablissement français du sang Ile-de-France) for discussion of study design.
Contribution: A. Floch, S.V., A. Francois, and F.P. designed the research; S.V., S.P., A.J., and A. Francois collected and curated the data; A. Floch, S.V., L.M., A.H., F.G., and F.P. analyzed and interpreted the data; and A. Floch and F.P. prepared the original draft of the manuscript, which was critically reviewed and approved by all authors.
Conflict-of-interest disclosure: The authors declare no competing financial interests.
Correspondence: France Pirenne, Etablissement français du sang, Hôpital Henri Mondor, 51 Ave du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny, 94000 Créteil, France; email:
Author notes
∗A. Floch and S.V. contributed equally to this study.
Data are available on request from the corresponding author, France Pirenne (
The full-text version of this article contains a data supplement.