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About Blood Red Cells & Iron

Blood Red Cells & Iron serves as an international platform for publishing original research articles that focus on basic, translational, and clinical studies related to red blood cells and iron metabolism. The journal seeks original contributions that enhance the understanding of hematological disorders associated with the erythroid lineage, as well as iron-related pathologies.

We invite submissions on a wide range of topics, including (but not limited to):

  • Erythropoiesis, both normal and defective, including myelodysplasia
  • Inherited and acquired anemias
  • Inherited and acquired disorders of iron metabolism, such as hemochromatosis, ferroportin disease, and iron-loading anemias
  • Nutritional anemias
  • Anemias of infection/inflammation (malaria, chronic kidney disease, etc.)
  • Immune-mediated anemias

Online ISSN: 3050-5984
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