SB-497115-GR is a low molecular weight, orally active molecule that requires Tpo receptor (TpoR) expession for activity and activates JAK/STAT signalling in platelets. The ability of recombinant Tpo to enhance agonist-induced platelet aggregation is well-documented, thus this study was undertaken to compare the ability of rhTpo (150 ng/ml) and SB-497115 (0.01–10 uM) to affect platelet activation. Platelets were obtained from healthy human volunteers, following written informed consent, by standard venipuncture technique. Citrated whole blood was used directly in platelet activation and P-selectin assays within 15 minutes. Platelet aggregation was assessed by light transmittance aggregometry. Aggregation was induced by a submaximal concentration of adenosine diphosphate (ADP) (1.0 or 1.5 uM) in experiments examining synergy with rhTpo (150ng/mL) or SB-497115 (0.01–10 uM). For examination of potential inhibitory actions of SB-497115 on platelet function, aggregation was induced by ADP (3 uM), collagen (2 ug/mL), or the thrombin receptor activating peptide (TRAP; 20 uM). Pre-treatment of platelet samples with rhTpo, but not SB-497115, potentiated the effects of 1.0 or 1.5 uM ADP. No inhibitory effect on normal ADP, Collagen or TRAP-induced aggregation was seen with either SB-497115-GR or rhTpo. In experiments investigating the expression of platelet P-selectin, an early marker of platelet activation, platelets labeled with anti-CD62P antibody were analyzed by flow cytometry. Data was expressed as percent of platelets positive for CD62P within the defined platelet gate. Treatment with SB-497115 (0.1 – 10 uM) demonstrated no induction of platelet CD62P expression above background levels. In contrast, rhTpo produced a modest but significant and reproducible increase in the percent of platelets positive for CD62P. This study demonstrates that, in contrast to rhTpo, the orally active small molecular weight agonist of the Tpo receptor, SB-497115-GR, does not mimic the ability of rhTpo to enhance ADP-induced aggregation of platelets. SB-497115-GR also did not directly induce P-selection expression on human platelets. Finally, SB-497115 has no antagonistic effect on ADP-, TRAP-, or collagen-induced platelet aggregation. Thus, SB-497115 is differentiated from rhTpo with respect to platelet activation.
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