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Public Access

The American Society of Hematology supports free access to Blood on the broadest possible basis. Although ASH cannot adopt or support a publishing model that is not economically sustainable over the long run, certain sections of the journal are always publicly available online:

  • Tables of contents
  • Abstracts
  • Editorials
  • Blood Commentaries
  • Blood Work
  • Special Reports


Patient Information

Although we are unable to provide answers to specific and/or individual questions about hematological problems, conditions, diagnoses, or treatments, the American Society of Hematology, publisher of Blood, provides links to several third-party websites offering information on blood diseases and related disorders. Please visit the Patients section of the ASH website for further information.

Patients interested in obtaining a copy of an access-controlled article in Blood that may be helpful to their situation may do so by e-mailing a request to the Blood Editorial Office. The request should include the following information:

  • Article citation information, including author(s), title of article, issue date & page number (example: Rafik Terra et al., T-cell generation by lymph node resident progenitor cells, July 1, 2005, p. 193). All citation information can be found with the article or abstract information online.
  • Your name and email address
  • Name of treating physician (optional)


Funded Research Options


The National Institutes of Health

ASH has developed an agreement with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) that provides an option to comply with the NIH policy on enhanced public access. Blood provides a service to all Blood authors who published NIH-funded articles, at no charge to the author, to deposit their paper to PubMed Central (PMC) on their behalf. This option, the PMC Archive Program, is the result of efforts by ASH and a group of nonprofit publishers to improve compliance with the current NIH public access policy while maintaining the publisher-mandated access embargoes. The program provides NIH with final articles representing NIH-funded research for an internal use archive at NIH. Authors must acknowledge explicitly in the text (i.e., Acknowledgement section of the article) of their research article that (a) the research in the article they authored was funded by NIH and (b) and/or their institutional affiliation with NIH in order for ASH to deliver the article to PMC shortly after final publication. PMC then will render the research article publicly available 12 months after final publication. This period of time is consistent with ASH’s publication embargo and ensures compliance with author copyright agreements with ASH.

NIH Public Access Frequently Asked Questions


Author Choice

Authors have the option of making their article immediately and freely available upon publication for a fee of $5,500. Authors who opt for Author Choice will complete the standard Copyright Transfer Agreement assigning copyright to the American Society of Hematology, and the journal will then publish the paper under a Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND license, which allows for noncommercial, nonderivative use of the article and requires appropriate credit to the authors. Authors whose institutions or funders require publication under a CC BY license may request a CC BY license instead for a fee of $6,600. ASH will deposit the final published version of the article into PubMed Central and ensure free and immediate access to the article on the journal websites.


Blood Online Legacy Content

Blood’s complete catalog of legacy content is archived online beginning with the first Blood issue in 1946. All Blood articles are publicly available and freely accessible to everyone 12 months after publication. If authors choose, they may pay for free and immediate access (Author Choice).



Non-subscribers may choose to access an individual article by using Blood’s pay-per-view option. Pay-per-view options will appear when viewing an access-controlled article page without a subscription.

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