Aminolevulinate synthase 2 (ALAS2) is an erythroid-expressed gene located on chromosome Xp11.21. Mutations in ALAS2 have been shown to be associated with sideroblastic anemia. We have identified a novel mutation in ALAS2, P520L, in three kinships. The P520L mutation was not found in 316 white male control subjects. The proline in this position is highly conserved across species from humans to zebrafish.
In the C kinship, the P520L mutation was first identified in a white man who presented with severe iron overload at an early age and was a HFE C282Y homozygote. Genetic analyses of members of the C kinship suggest that the presence of P520L alone in hemizygous males, or simple heterozygosity in females, is not associated with anemia or iron overload. Females heterozygous for both HFE C282Y and ALAS2 P520L also had normal ferritin levels. Only subjects homozygous for HFE C282Y and hemizygous or heterozygous for ALAS2 P520L had severe iron overload. Sequencing studies revealed that the propositus did not have missense mutations in HAMP, HJV, FPN1, ABC7, IL6, or RAG1.
In the H kinship, the propositus was a white woman with severe iron overload who was heterozygous for ALAS2 P520L; she had a wildtype HFE genotype. The pedigree of the H kinship identified 5 additional females who were heterozygous for the P520L ALAS2 mutation. Only the propositus had iron overload and none of the subjects with P520L had sideroblastic anemia. The propositus did not have missense mutations in FPN1, HAMP, HJV, TFR2, B2M, IRP2, ABC7, or SFT. We speculate that the propositus in the H kinship has a mutation in a currently unknown gene that contributes to her severe iron overload. In the S kinship, the P520L mutation was identified in a white man with sideroblastic anemia and severe iron overload. The patient had a second mutation in ALAS2, R560H, a mutation previously described in two brothers with sideroblastic anemia of variable penetrance (
We conclude that the ALAS2 P520L occurs at a very low allele frequency in the white population. The present observations also suggest that there is no distinctive phenotype associated with the P520L mutation alone, but that P520L may act as a modifier of iron overload in the presence of HFE homozygosity, other missense mutations of ALAS2, or mutations of uncharacterized iron regulatory genes.
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