Abstract 4534
Auto/alloimmune hepatitis (AIH) is an inflammatory liver disease characterized histological by a dense mononuclear cell infiltrate in the portal tract and serological by the presence of non-organ and liver-specific antibodies, high transaminases and increased levels of IgG. The relation between allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) and auto/alloimmune disease is complex. To examine this association, we retrospectively studied 1,636 allogeneic patients (median age 43, range 18–73 years) between May 1996 and December 2008. Among these patients, 311 (19%) developed hepatic graft-versus-host disease (GvHD) (162 pts had a hepatic GvHD of grade > II). We followed 25 patients (11 male, 14 female) in whom GvHD of the liver presented with marked elevation of serum aminotransferases, clinically resembling acute hepatitis and auto/antibodies characteristics for AIH. The median age at transplant was 35 (range, 18–54) years. Onset of liver dysfunction was at 286 days (range, 55–2766) after HSCT. Median peak serum was 312 (range 105–1750) U/L for alanine aminotransferase, 629 (133-2410) U/L for gamma-glutamyl transferase and 1.74 (0.5-23.4) mg/dl for bilirubin. The autoantibody profiles of AIH were 60% for anti-nuclear antibody, 44% for antibodies to liver-kidney microsomes, 24% for antibodies to smooth-muscle antigens, 28% for anti-mitochondrial antibody, 16% for antibodies to actin, 8% for antibodies to nucleoli, and 4% for other autoantibodies. AIH had a higher prevalence in younger and in female patients. AIH occurred in 92% in patients, who were transplanted with G-CSF mobilized and peripherally collected stem cells (PSC), but in only 8% in patients with bone marrow (BM) source (p<0.02), comparing all transplanted patients (1326 PSC, 310 BM). Stem cell grafts from matched sibling donor or matched unrelated donor were similar in the two groups. Acute GvHD of grade> II occurred more frequently in the groups with AIH (15/25 vs. 649/1636, p<0.002), and chronic GvHD (11 limited, 14 extensive) was ascertained in all AIH patients vs. 49.8% in all transplanted patients (p<0.0001). Three patients with AIH died from pulmonary bleeding, chronic GvHD, and relapse, whereas 22 patients with AIH are still alive (88%) at a median survival time of 2570 days. In conclusion, our evaluation confirms a strong association between G-CSF mobilized PSC, chronic GvHD and the development of AIH.
No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.
Author notes
Asterisk with author names denotes non-ASH members.