Philadelphia-negative Myeloproliferative Neoplasms (MPN) include Polycythemia Vera (PV), Essential Thrombocythemia (ET) and Myelofibrosis Primary (PMF) and secondary to PV and ET (PPV-, PET-MF); included are also some less characterized entities defined as unclassified MPN (U-MPN). Risk of arterial and venous thrombosis is increased in MPN patients, and thrombosis is one of most important causes of mortality and morbidity. The risk of venous thrombosis in unusual sites, such as splanchnic vessels (SVT), is particularly associated with MPN; SVT can lead to complications such as portal hypertension, esophageal and gastric varices, ascites and hepatic failure. A recent meta-analysis reported that a MPN is the underlying cause of portal vein thrombosis in 31.5% and of Budd Chiari syndrome in 40.9% of cases (Smalberg, 2012). A significant association of SVT with JAK2V617F mutated MPN was reported (Dentali, 2009) but study of other correlations has been hampered by heterogeneity of available patient cohorts comprising relatively small number of cases.
We conducted a retrospective multicenter study collecting clinical and biological data of patients (pts) with SVT associated with MPN diagnosed according to WHO2008 criteria, aiming to describe patients’ characteristics, trends and prognostic factors, and their potential implications for clinical practice. Data were collected from 15 international hematology centers in the framework of IWG-MRT.
We collected 475 cases of pts with portal, splenic or mesenteric vein thrombosis (75.2%) or Budd Chiari syndrome (24.8%) associated with MPN. In 32% of cases, simultaneous involvement of portal (69.1% of total thrombosis), splenic (30.5%) and mesenteric (25.3%) veins occurred, and in 1.7% they were associated with Budd Chiari syndrome. Frequency of MPN subtype: 38.1% ET (n=181), 34.9% PV (n=166), 16.2% MF (n=77), 10.8% U-MPN (n=51). Median follow-up 87.9 mo (range 0.5-430); female 61.3% (n=292; P<0.0001 vs male); median age at MPN diagnosis (dg) 44.4 y (range 12-90), at SVT dg 44.9 y (range 17-85). In 229 cases (48%) MPN and SVT dg were coincident, while in 104 (22%) SVT occurred before MPN dg (median 40 mo, range 5-335) and in 129 (27%) during MPN follow up (median 79 mo, range 5-394). JAK2V617F mutational status is available for 361 pts: 99% PV, 84.7% ET, 88.1% PMF and 92.9% U-MPN pts were JAK2V617F positive, with a mean allele burden of 56±27.4%, 33.1±25.5%, 39.3±19.4% and 23.8±11.9%, respectively. Erythropoietin-independent colonies (EEC) were present at diagnosis in 80/110 evaluated cases (72.7%), 38/47 PV (84.4%), 32/45 ET (71.1%), 8/11 PMF (72.7%) and 2/7 U-MPN (28.6%). A concurrent thrombophilic state was found in 38.9% of cases. A 12.3% of pts experienced a recurrence of SVT after a median of 29 mo (range 1-378.3) and 35.8% developed thrombosis in other sites (17.7% arterial, 19.3% venous). Esophageal varices were found in 70.6% from which 31.9% bled.
MF transformation occurred in 32/166 PV (19%) and in 23/181 ET (13%) pts, with median time to progression of 122.3 mo (range 5.4-377.3) and 125.1 mo (range 39.3-255.3), respectively. Evolution to acute leukemia (AL) occurred in 12 pts (2.7%), of which 2 PMF, 6 PV and 4 ET. In 3 PV and 1 ET pts a PPV and PET-MF transformation occurred before AL.
After SVT, 77% of pts received anticoagulation, 23.5% antiaggregant therapy and 1.5% both; 68.8% received cytotoxic drugs, 11.4% of pts were treated with trans jugular porto-systemic shunt. No differences in survival were noted with these approaches. Beta blocker therapy was used in 48.5% of pts and correlated with improved survival (p=0.041)
At last follow up 70/473 pts (14.8%) died; causes of death are evolution to AL (16.4%), other cancers (14.5%), disease progression without AL (12.7%), SVT (10.9%), hepatic failure and venous thrombosis other than SVT (9.1% each), heart failure and arterial thrombosis (7.3% each), hemorrhage (5.5%), renal failure and infection (3.6% each). After 10 y follow up 8/166 PV (5%), 14/181 ET (8%), 14/77 PMF (18%) and 1/51 U-MPN (1.96%) pts died (p<0.01). Survival was significantly affected by occurrence of thrombosis other than SVT (p<0.0001) but not recurrence in splanchnic vessels (p=0.068).
This large study confirms the strong association between JAK2V617F-mutated MPN and SVT and identifies the category of U-MPN as the prognostically more favorable; thrombosis at sites outside the splanchnic vasculature remains the leading cause of death.
No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.
Author notes
Asterisk with author names denotes non-ASH members.

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