On page 1755 in the 30 August 2012 issue, the number of cycles after which a cited study reports motor neuropathy, 4, is incorrect due to a typographic error. The number of cycles should be 10 cycles (median). The last sentence of the fourth paragraph reads, “As a comparison, in the bortezomib-based frontline RVD phase 1/2 study,2 the rate of sensory neuropathy was 80% for all grades and 2% for grade 3 with rates of 18% and 2%, respectively, for motor neuropathy after only 4 cycles.” The sentence should have read, “As a comparison, in the bortezomib-based frontline RVD phase 1/2 study,2 the rate of sensory neuropathy was 80% for all grades and 2% for grade 3 with rates of 18% and 2%, respectively, for motor neuropathy after (median) 10 cycles.”
March 6, 2014
Landgren O, Korde N. Treating myeloma: the future is already here! Blood. 2012;120(9):1754-1756.
Blood (2014) 123 (10): 1621.
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Treating myeloma: the future is already here!
Landgren O, Korde N. Treating myeloma: the future is already here! Blood. 2012;120(9):1754-1756.. Blood 2014; 123 (10): 1621. doi: https://doi.org/10.1182/blood-2014-01-552679
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