Background. The increase of life expectancy in patients after 65 years with MM is the main aim of treatment. Lack of carrying out aggressive anti-multiple myeloma therapy increase influence of different factors on OS.
Aims. To compare influence GA and other different factors on overall survival in 65 and more years old patients with MM.
Methods. We retrospectively analyzed 40 patients 65 and more years (median age 71 years, range 65-86; male/female - 1:1.35). The incidences of genetic abnormalities were determined in all cases. Cytogenetic analysis was performed on bone marrow samples using standard GTG-method. Metaphase FISH analysis was performed according to the manufacturer's protocol using DNA probes: LSI 13(RB1)13q14, IGH/CCND1, IGH/FGFR3, LSI TP53 (17q13.1). Stratification of patients was carried in groups of risk according to the modified molecular classification mSMARTmod 1.0 and mSMARTmod 2.0. Patients with 2 and more chromosomal aberrations were additionally entered in high-risk group of both systems.
Results. GA in multiple myeloma after 65 years old patients were detected in 22.8% (9/40). The occurrence frequency of t(11;14) was 26.0% (6/23), del(13q) - 20.8% (5/24), t(4;14) - 4.3% (n=1/23), del(17p) - 0% (n=0/11). 33/40 (82.5%) patients entered into standard risk group, 4/40 (10%) - into intermediate risk, 3/40 (7,5%) - into high-risk. Median OS (MOS) according to mSMARTmod 1.0 in standard risk group (33/40) was 78 months, in high-risk (7/40) - 54 months. Median OS according to mSMARTmod 2.0 in standard risk group (33/40) was 78 months, in intermediate-risk (4/40) - 56 months, in high-risk (3/40) - 49 months. In patients groups without renal failure (35/40) MOS was 78 vs. 46 months with renal failure (5/40). MOS isn't reached in patients with ISS I (4/27), but MOS in patients with ISS II (13/27) and ISS III (10/27) were 50 and 54 months, respectively. MOS in patients group (10/40), who have both (bortezomib and lenolidomide) anti-myeloma agents was 110 months vs. 57 months in group (30/40) only with bortezomib-based regimen of treatment.
Conclusions. Many factors influence on OS in 65 and more years old patients with MM. However, patients, who had treatment with bortezomib and lenelidomide had the best results of OS.
No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.
Author notes
Asterisk with author names denotes non-ASH members.