Diamond-Blackfan anemia (DBA) was the first ribosomopathy identified and is characterized by a moderate to severe, usually macrocytic aregenerative anemia associated with congenital malformations in 50% of the DBA cases. This congenital rare erythroblastopenia is due to a blockade in erythroid differentiation between the BFU-e and CFU-e stages. The link between a haploinsufficiency in a ribosomal protein (RP) gene that now encompass 15 different RP genes and the erythroid defect is still to be fully defined. Recently, mutations in TSR2 and GATA1 genes have been identified in a few DBA families. The GATA1 gene encodes for the major transcription factor critical for erythropoiesis and mutation in this gene that lead to loss of expression of the long form of the protein, necessary for the erythroid differentiation accounts for erythroblastopenia of DBA phenotype. Our group and others (Dutt et al., Blood 2011) have shown previously that p53 plays an important role in the DBA erythroblastopenia, inducing cell cycle arrest in G0/G1 and depending on the nature of RP gene mutation, a delayed erythroid differentiation and an increased apoptosis. Indeed, we identified two distinct DBA phenotypes (H. Moniz, M. Gastou, Cell Death Dis, 2012): a haploinsufficiency in RPL5 or RPL11 reduced dramatically the erythroid proliferation, delayed the erythroid differentiation, and markedly increased apoptosis, while RPS19 haploinsufficiency while reduced the extent of erythroid proliferation without inducing significant apoptosis. While p53 pathway has been found to be activated in RP haploinsufficient erythroid cells in DBA patients or shRNA-RPS19, -RPL5, or -RPL11 infected CD34+ erythroid cells, the intensity of the p53 activation pathway (p21, BAX, NOXA) is different depending on the mutated RP gene. Since the differences between the two phenotypes involved the degree of apoptosis we hypothesized that HSP70, a chaperone protein of GATA1 may play a key role in the erythroid defect of DBA. Indeed, HSP70 protects GATA1 from the cleavage by the caspase 3, a protease activated during erythroid differentiation and as such reduced levels of HSP70 related to a RP haploinsufficiency could account for increased apoptosis and delayed erythroid differentiation of erythroid cells in DBA. Indeed, a defect in RPL5 or RPL11 decreased dramatically the expression level of HSP70 and GATA1 in primary human erythroid cells from DBA patients and following in vitro knockdown of the proteins in CD34+ cells by RPL5 or RPL11 shRNA. Importantly, RPS19 haploinsufficiency did not exhibit this effect in conjunction with normal levels of HSP70 expression. Furthermore, we found that the decreased expression level of HSP70 was independent on the p53 activation. Strikingly, HSP70 was noted to be degraded by the proteasome since the bortezomib, the MG132, or the lactacystin were able to restore both the HSP70 expression level and intracellular localization in the cell. The lentiviral infection of haploinsufficient RPL5 or RPL11 cord blood CD34+ cells with a wild type HSP70 cDNA restored both the erythroid proliferation and differentiation confirming a critical role for HSP70 in the erythroid proliferation and differentiation defect in the RPL5 or RPL11 DBA phenotypes. The loss of HSP70 may explain the loss of GATA1 in DBA and also the erythroid tropism of the DBA disease. Restoration of the HSP70 expression level may be a viable and novel therapeutic option for management of this debilitating and difficult to manage erythroid disorder.
No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.
Author notes
Asterisk with author names denotes non-ASH members.