Background: Although the prevalence of genetic hematological disorders varies widely between geographical regions, region-specific hematological reference ranges have not been defined in Saudi Arabian adults. Methods: A multicenter retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted with 1127 participants who completed their pre-employment screening and recruitment process between January 2013 and December 2016. Data related to the demographic and hematological indices were extracted. Results: The mean age was 28.0±5.2 years (range 19.4-72.8 years) and gender was distributed equally (47.5% female vs. 52.5% male). The WBC reference range was 3.3-11.4 ×109/L; hemoglobin 111-174 gm/l; platelet 163-412 ×109/L; MCV 80-95.7 fl, and neutrophils 1.2-8.8 ×109/L. A robust regression model was used to evaluate the effect of the participant's characteristics on the hematological indices. Except for WBC, the rest of the hematological indices were significantly influenced by gender, region, and age. The 2.5 percentile hemoglobin values were 135 gm/L in males and 104 gm/L in females, while platelet values were 173 x109/L in females and 159 x109/L in males. Conclusion: The study defined local hematological reference ranges, which were mostly lower than reported in international studies used in our center. Hematological values were mainly influenced by gender and region. A community nationwide screening study is required to create reference ranges specifically for the Saudi population.
No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.
Author notes
Asterisk with author names denotes non-ASH members.