In this study we describe the clinical, morphologic, immunologic, and genetic features of a chronic peripheral blood lymphocytosis associated with posttraumatic splenectomy in patients with human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) infection. Among a series of 2,365 consecutive HIV-1 seropositive cases investigated, eight patients were selected for the presence of more than 4,000 lymphocytes/mm3. All cases were characterized by a lymphocytosis with cytoplasmic azurophilic granules; in three patients the hematologic picture was superimposable with that of lymphoproliferative disease of granular lymphocytes. Phenotypic analysis of lymphocytes showed a prevalent CD3+CD8+ pattern. In vitro evaluations, including the response to mitogens and interleukin-2 and the cytotoxic assays, showed an unimpaired lymphocyte function in the majority of our patients, even in those with advanced stages of the syndrome. The analysis of the configuration of the T-cell receptor (TCR) beta and gamma genes showed a polyclonal pattern of rearrangement. At the mean follow-up time of 45 +/- 8 months, one patient died of overdose when the clinical conditions were stable; all the other patients are alive, although disease progression was documented in two. Our results indicate that a chronic polyclonal lymphocytosis may be associated with HIV-1 infection; this finding seems to be restricted to patients who have undergone splenectomy. The demonstration of a still uncompromised immune system together with a silent clinical course in the patients under study also suggest that splenectomy per se does not favor an aggressive clinical behavior of HIV-1 infection.