The present study investigated the possibility that macrophage colony- stimulating factor (M-CSF) responsiveness of hematopoietic progenitor cells is regulated at the level of receptor expression and that M-CSF receptor (M-CSFR) may be used as an early marker of monocyte lineage commitment. Immunofluorescence measurements with an anti-M-CSFR antibody showed that 44% +/- 5% of CD34hi cells expressed the receptor. The M-CSFR was present on progenitor cells that were positive for the granulo-monocytic marker CD64, but not on primitive, erythroid, or lymphoid progenitors. The CD34hiCD64+ population could be divided into subsets of M-CSFRhi and M-CSFRlo cells. In addition, a subset of CD34hiCD64-M-CSFRhi cells was found. CD34+ cells that were positive for M-CSFR, CD64, or both gave rise exclusively to granulo-monocytic cells, and 65% of the granulomonocytic colony-forming cells in the CD34+ population were recovered from these cells. Approximately 70% of the colony-forming cells (CFCs) derived from CD34hiM-CSFRhi cells were macrophage colony-forming units (CFU-M), whereas 91% of the CFCs in the CD34hiCD64+M-CSFRlo population were granulocyte colony-forming units (CFU-G). The M-CSFRhi cells with the highest frequency of colony- forming and bipotent cells and largest average colony size were found in the CD64- subset, indicating that M-CSFR appears earlier than CD64 during monocyte development. After 60 hours in culture, a subset of the CD34hiM-CSFRhi cells had downmodulated M-CSFR (29% to 38%). This population gave rise almost exclusively to granulocytes, whereas the cells that remained M-CSFRhi gave rise exclusively to monocytes. In all experiments, the M-CSFRhi population responded to M-CSF, whereas minimal responses were observed among M-CSFRlo cells. These results suggest that M-CSF target specificity among human hematopoietic progenitor cells is determined by lineage-specific regulation of the M- CSFR and show that M-CSFR is a useful marker to discriminate between monocytic and granulocytic progenitor cells.
November 15, 1996
Granulocytic and monocytic differentiation of CD34hi cells is associated with distinct changes in the expression of the PU.1- regulated molecules, CD64 and macrophage colony-stimulating factor receptor
J Olweus,
J Olweus
Becton Dickinson Immunocytometry Systems, San Jose, CA 95131–1807, USA.
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PA Thompson,
PA Thompson
Becton Dickinson Immunocytometry Systems, San Jose, CA 95131–1807, USA.
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F Lund-Johansen
F Lund-Johansen
Becton Dickinson Immunocytometry Systems, San Jose, CA 95131–1807, USA.
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Blood (1996) 88 (10): 3741–3754.
J Olweus, PA Thompson, F Lund-Johansen; Granulocytic and monocytic differentiation of CD34hi cells is associated with distinct changes in the expression of the PU.1- regulated molecules, CD64 and macrophage colony-stimulating factor receptor. Blood 1996; 88 (10): 3741–3754. doi:
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