Abstract 4189


To determine the efficacy between apheresis platelet concentrates(APCs) and platelets (PLTs) derived from whole blood(WBD) transfusion in acute leukemia patients receiving chemotherapy without remission.


All patients received same ABO group and leukocyte depletion PLTs. According to the platelet count before and after transfusion, we used percent platelet recovery(PPR) and corrected count increment(CCI) at 24 hours post-transfusion to analysis the outcomes.


A total of 130 patients between the ages of 14 and 80 received 771 times PLTs transfusion. 85 patients were males, and 45 were females. There were 596 times APCs and 175 times WBD. In APCs, the platelet counts were 11.97±10.43×109/L and 24.68±18.63×109/L pre- and post-transfusion(P<0.001). In WBD, the platelet counts were 11.06±7.58×109/L and 22.88±18.00×109/L pre- and post-transfusion(P<0.001). But there was no significant difference in the platelet count between the two types of platelet produces transfusion. According to PPR, if PPR<20% is considered platelet transfusion refractoriness(PTR), the incidence rates of PTR in APCs and WBD were 46.98% and 49.71%, respectively. According to CCI, if CCI<4.5×109/L is considered PTR, the incidence rates of PTR were 42.95% and 46.86%, respectively. The incidence rate of PTR was no significant difference in PPR and CCI between the two PLTs products.


For the patients of acute leukemia without remission, the incidence rate of PTR was high, even if they received same ABO group and leukocyte depletion products. The efficacy was not significant difference between APCs and WBD transfusions.


No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.

Author notes


Asterisk with author names denotes non-ASH members.

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