Abstract 1634FN2
The treatment of patients with DLBCL who are unsuitable for anthracycline containing chemotherapy remains a clinical challenge. Gemcitabine is a nucleoside analogue which has proven efficacy in the relapse setting in both non Hodgkin's and Hodgkin's lymphoma. We therefore developed a protocol incorporating Gemcitabine in a first line approach combined with CVP-R chemo-immunotherapy in DLBCL patients considered unfit for anthracycline containing chemotherapy.
We performed a prospective, multicentre phase II trial in patients with DLCBL who were considered unfit for anthracycline containing chemo-immunotherapy. Eligibility criteria included ejection fraction < 50%, or ejection fraction ≥ 50% but with the presence of attendant significant co-morbidities (including: ischaemic heart disease, hypertension, diabetes mellitus), and ECOG PS 0–3. Patients received 6 cycles of Rituximab (375 mg/m2 IV D1), Cyclophosphamide (750mg/m2 IV D1), Vincristine (1.4 mg /m2 IV D1), Prednisolone (100mg, orally D1–5) and Gemcitabine IV D1 and D8. The Gemcitabine dose, if tolerated was sequentially escalated from 750mg/m2 in cycle 1 to 875mg/m2 in cycle 2 to 1000mg/m2 in cycle 3 with the dose maintained at 1000mg/m2 for cycles 4–6. Cycles were repeated every 21 days with growth factor support administered on day 9 of each cycle (pegfilgrastrim 6mg s/c).The primary endpoint was to achieve an overall response rate of > 40% assessed by CT scan at the end of treatment according to the Cheson criteria. Secondary endpoints were progression free survival and overall survival.
62 patients were recruited from 32 UK sites over a 28 month period from April 2008 to July 2010. 66% were male. Median age was 76 years (range 52–90), 48 (77%) were > 70 years. 43 (69%) had stage III/IV disease and 46 (72%) had high – intermediate or high IPI (3–5) disease. ECOG performance status was ≥ 2 in 50% patients. Left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) was < 50% in 28 patients (45%). The 34 patients with LVEF ≥ 50% had significant co-morbidities, 22 (65%) had multiple co-morbidities. 44 (70%) received ≥ 3 cycles of treatment, reasons for early termination of treatment in the remaining 18 patients were progression (n=2), toxicity (n=5), death (n=6) patient choice (n=1) and other (n=4). 29 patients (47%) received the full 6 cycles. A total of 250 treatment cycles were delivered. Of the 44 patients who received ≥ 3 cycles of treatment, the dose of Gemcitabine was escalated to the full dose (1000mg/m2) in 67%. Day 8 Gemcitabine was delivered in 215/250 (86%) cycles of treatment. The overall response rate (CR/CRu/PR) at end of treatment for all 62 patients was 60%. For patients who received ≥ 3 cycles of treatment (n =44) the ORR was 79.5% at the end of treatment. There was no significant difference in ORR between those with LVEF <50% and those with LVEF ≥ 50% (71% vs 53%, p=0.155). At a median follow up of 18.2 months the 1 year progression free survival rate for all patients was 52.9% (95% CI 39.4–64.8). The 1 year overall survival (OS) rate is 62.4% (95% CI 48.5–73.6). For the group with LVEF <50% OS was 70.8% (95% CI: 48.4, 84.9) and LVEF group ≥ 50% OS was 55.9% (95% CI 37.1–71).Grade 3/4 haematological toxicity was observed in 54.1% patients. Grade 3/4 infection was observed in 24.6% of patients. The death rate observed related to infection for the whole cohort was 11%.
This multicentre trial demonstrates that the R-GCVP regimen delivers excellent overall response rates with durable remissions in a group of patients where anthracycline use was precluded. The efficacy attained in this difficult group of patients provides a platform for testing the regimen in subsequent randomised phase II and phase III studies to confirm its efficacy.
No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.
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