Abstract 2221
Neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (NAIT) is a life-threatening bleeding disorder in the fetus/ neonate caused by maternal alloantibodies directed against fetal platelet antigens inherited from the father. Of the 21 allonatigens described up to date http://www.ebi.ac.uk/ipd/hpa/table2.html, the human platelet antigen (HPA) −1 defined as a leucine /proline polymorphism at residue 33 in b3 integrin is the immune-dominant antigen leading to severe NAIT. Immunization to HPA-1a occurs only in 10% of HPA-1bb pregnant women, 90% of them carrying histocompatibility leukocyte antigen (HLA) DRB3*0101. The aims of the present study were: 1. to prospectively study whether in addition to HLA DR B3*0101 there other potential HLA DR antigens involved in the immune process. 2. To analyse whether the response to IVIgG treatment correlates with maternal HLA DR genotype 3. to determine whether, anti HLA antibodies in addition to HPA1a antibodies, resulted in a more severe thrombocytopenia. We enrolled 21 pregnant women who had previously given birth to newborns with NAIT due to HPA1 incompatibility and had antibodies directed to their spouses HPA1 phenotype (leucine or proline polymorphism ) at the Sheba Medical Center from May 2001 to January 2011. The control group consisted of 21 women who delivered at term newborns with thrombocytopenia and a diagnosis of NAIT was ruled out. Twelve women of 21 (57%) in the study group carried both HLADRB3*0101 and DRB4*0101phenotype. But in none of the women in the control group such combination was detected. Interestingly is the observation that of 20 women who gave birth once more following IVIgG treatment, four did not respond to IVIgG and 3 (75%) of them harbor both DRB3*0101 and DRB4*0101. When lymphocytotoxic cross match analysis was performed in eighteen couples of the study group seven (39%) of them had positive lymphocytotoxic cross match. However the presence of both HLA and HPA1 antibodies against their partner phenotype did not affect platelets' counts in the newborn. Taken together we postulate that the presence of both HLADRB3*0101 and HLADRB4*0101 in the mother increases the risk of NAIT development when HPA1 incompatibility between the couples is found and can serve as a diagnostic tool. The presence of HLA antibodies against the spouse did not alter response to IgG treatment.
No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.
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