Background: 35 million children < 18 years; approximately 1800 new cases of ITP were diagnosed annually in Egypt. Intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) is a rare devastating complication of childhood immune thrombocytopenia (ITP). Incidence of ICH among children with ITP varies markedly in different studies from 0.2 up to 1.0 %. Intracranial hemorrhage after head trauma in children with ITP leads to significant morbidity and mortality. We published data during 1997 - 2007 (10 ICH) in children with primary ITP; risk factors and outcome.

Aim & Methodology: A follow-up study to assess any change in outcome of ICH from last decade; whether new therapies might change the landscape of ICH. Centers treating > 25 child with prim ITP /year and offered a complete data of >150 children with ITP over 2 decades were enrolled. We compared 2008 - 2018 with the decade before it; variation of ICH reporting from center to center and outcome in relation to therapy. All children with ITP and ICH during study period had been treated, within < 24 hours and referred to neurosurgical hospital complex facility for consultation and intervention. Time elapsed till receiving platelet enhancing therapy and neurosurgical intervention was assessed, Outcome whether a complete recovery, permanent sequalae or death was reported.

Results: Four thousand, three-hundred and forty primary ITP were evaluated, ( 380 were excluded due to incomplete data ) Twenty-four (0.6%) ICH were reported over 2 decades (14 in this decade with 20% increase incidence) and 48 matched ITP control subjects were evaluated. Platelet counts were less than 10 x 10(9)/L in 90% of children with ICH. Four (16.2%) children developed ICH within 14 days of diagnosis of ITP; one of these, was the presenting feature of ITP. four were from 3-12 months and sixteen (66.6%) of children had chronic ITP. Centers treating > 50 case/year had a higher frequency of reporting 0.8 % compared to 0.2 % in centers < 50 cases/year. Outcome is better on early intervention as well as aggressive platelet enhancing therapy with 70% complete recovery compared with 30% complete recovery on delayed intervention. Head trauma and hematuria and PC < 10 were the mostly associated with ICH, identified in 33%, 25% and 90% respectively of the patients with ICH and in 1, none and 50% of the controls (P < .001). Bleeding beyond petechiae and ecchymoses was also linked to ICH. Mortality was 25%; a further 25% had neurologic sequelae. Neurosurgical intervention was done in 25% of cases with good outcome. Reporting was more in this decade with better outcome in bigger centers.

Conclusion: A rise in the incidence of ICH in Children with severe thrombocytopenia over last decade; high risk for ICH among those with PC< 10,000 plus head trauma and/or hematuria. Platelet enhancing agents whether HDMP or IVIG or TPO-RAs could not prevent ICH. However they had a good impact on survival and lessen sequalae if used in combination. Strategies by which high-risk children could be identified and well managed in small centers.


No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.

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Asterisk with author names denotes non-ASH members.

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