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Terms and Conditions of Use for Blood Online

©  Blood Online by the American Society of Hematology

Blood online is available to individuals affiliated with institutions maintaining a subscription to Blood and to individuals with personal subscriptions to Blood. Blood Online content older than 12 months is free to all online. By using this site you indicate your agreement to the terms and conditions outlined below. If you do not accept these terms and conditions, please do not use this site.

The entire content of Blood Online, including the individual articles and other items published therein, is protected by the American Society of Hematology's copyright. Blood Online is made available on the following terms:

1. Authorized users are granted a license to access and use Blood Online for their personal research purposes. The rights granted under this agreement cannot be transferred, sold, or rented to anyone else.

2. You may not redistribute, rent, lend, sell, or modify any materials from Blood Online, or create derivative works based on materials in Blood Online without the prior permission of the American Society of Hematology. We ask that you not remove any copyright notices or other notices contained in materials retrieved from Blood Online. For inter-library loan you are permitted to supply single copies of articles from Blood Online by mail or fax or via digital transmission. Print or electronic copies of materials from Blood Online may be provided to national or international regulatory authorities for the purposes of, or in anticipation of, regulatory approval or patent and/or trademark applications or other legal or regulatory purposes. Prior permission from the American Society of Hematology is not required for this use.

3. You may download or print individual articles or other items from the materials in Blood Online. Systematic downloading and/or archiving of materials from Blood Online or copying of entire issues or a significant number of any items from a single issue of the Journal are prohibited. Materials from Blood Online may be used in course packs and in e-reserve, provided access is restricted to authenticated and authorized users. For permission to copy beyond that permitted by Section 107 or 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law, contact the Copyright Clearance Center.

4. Any use of Blood Online in whole or in part should include customary bibliographic citation, including author attribution, date, article title, Blood Online, and the URL

5. Individuals with personal subscriptions to Blood may not donate their print copies to libraries and may not share their user names and passwords with others. A personal subscription is for the use of the individual subscriber only.

6. We will make electronic access to Blood Online available via our server to you without additional charge by us.

7. Neither the Editors nor the American Society of Hematology nor any other party involved in the preparation of this material warrants that the information contained herein is in every respect accurate or complete. Users of Blood Online are advised to consult appropriate medical literature and product information with regard to drugs mentioned on Blood Online to verify dosages, methods and durations of administration, and contraindications. The Editors and the American Society of Hematology make no representation or warranties with respect to any treatment, action, or application of medication by any person relying on the information offered within or through Blood Online and are not responsible for any injury and/or damage arising therefrom.

8. Blood Online and the materials included therein are provided on an "as is", "as available" basis and the Editors of Blood and the American Society of Hematology disclaim all warranties, expressed or implied, including the warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Use of Blood Online is at your own risk, and access may be interrupted and may not be error-free.

9. Neither the American Society of Hematology nor the Editors of or contributors to the Journal nor anyone else involved in creating, producing, or delivering Blood Online will be liable for direct, indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages or punitive damages arising out of: (i) your use of or your inability to use Blood Online; (ii) any errors or omissions in the materials included in Blood Online; (iii) the contents of Blood Online; or (iv) the contents of any other sites on the Internet which may be linked to Blood Online or any material of third parties that may be accessed through Blood Online.

10. The online version of Blood published by The American Society of Hematology is the version of record.

11. For the purposes of this Agreement, an Institutional Online Subscription permits unlimited simultaneous Internet access to  Online by authorized users at one geographical site (see below) through the use of the institution's IP addresses. Authorized users at the site are employees, faculty, staff, and students officially associated with the institution, as well as patrons of the institution's library facilities. Access via proxy server is permissible for authorized users. Authenticated and authorized users affiliated with the one subscribing location may access Blood Online from remote sites (e.g., through dial-in, telnet, etc.). Access via open proxy server is prohibited.

12. For the most part, an Institutional Online Subscription authorizes use at a localized site.  A "site" is an organizational unit and may be academic or nonacademic. For organizations with facilities located in more than one city, each city office is considered a different site. Note: exceptions to these restrictions will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Please contact the Blood Subscriptions Office to request an exception.

13. The terms of this Agreement constitute the entire Agreement between you and us with respect to Blood Online and supersede any prior written or oral representations or agreements.

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