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Alexander Perl, MD
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Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Steven C Goldstein, MD, Selina M. Luger, MD, Noelle Frey, MD, Alexander Perl, MD, Edward A Stadtmauer, MD, Donald Tsai, MD, Alison Loren, MD, Sunita Nasta, MD, Elizabeth Hexner, MD, Ran Reshef, MD, Jacqueline Smith, CRNP, Joanne Hinkle, Pavel Vassilev, BS, Michael J Vozniak, PharmD, David L. Porter, MD
Blood (2010) 116 (21): 4519.
Published: 2010
Journal Articles
Courtney D. DiNardo, MD, Alison Loren, MD, Steven Goldstein, MD, Stephen J. Schuster, Alexander Perl, MD, Donald Tsai, MD, Noelle Frey, MD, Elizabeth Hexner, MD, Ran Reshef, MD, Edward A. Stadtmauer, MD, David L. Porter, MD, Selina Luger, MD
Blood (2010) 116 (21): 2366.
Published: 2010
Journal Articles
Alison Rager, MD, Steven C. Goldstein, MD, Noelle Frey, MD, Jennifer Davis, PharmD, Michael Vozniak, PharmD, Jacqueline Smith, Elizabeth Hexner, MD, Alison Wakoff Loren, MD, MS, Selina Luger, MD, Alexander Perl, MD, Ran Reshef, MD, Donald E Tsai, MD, PhD, Edward A. Stadtmauer, MD, David Porter, MD
Blood (2009) 114 (22): 4643.
Published: 2009
Journal Articles
Robin L. Perry, MD, Patricia Vanessa Sanchez, PHD, Jean-Emmanuel Sarry, PHD, Alexander Perl, MD, Adam Bagg, MD, Vivianna van Deerlin, Jacklyn Biegel, Gwenn-ael Danet-Desnoyers, Martin Carroll, MD
Blood (2008) 112 (11): 2939.
Published: 2008
Journal Articles
Donald E. Tsai, MD, PhD, Melissa Potuzak, BS, Anthony Mato, MD, Alison Wakoff Loren, MD, MS, David Porter, MD, Edward A. Stadtmauer, MD, Steven Goldstein, MD, Alexander Perl, MD, Cezary Swider, BS, Adam Bagg, MD, Emile Youssef, MD, PhD, Selina Luger, MD
Blood (2008) 112 (11): 4040.
Published: 2008
Journal Articles
Jamil K. Dierov, MD, PhD, DSc, Tae Kon Kim, Xiaowei Yang, Ph.D., Alexander Perl, MD, Beth A Burke, BS, Zhu Wang, Ting-Lei Gu, Alan M. Gewirtz, MD, Seth J. Corey, Roberto Polakiewicz, Ph.D., Martin Carroll, MD
Blood (2008) 112 (11): 2650.
Published: 2008
Journal Articles
Steven C Goldstein, MD, Bruce Levine, PhD, Jacqueline Smith, MSN, CRNP, Joanne Hinkle, RN, BSN, OCN, Selina Luger, MD, Alexander Perl, MD, Alison Loren, MD, Noelle Frey, MD, Edward Stadtmauer, MD, Daniel Schullery, PhD, Jean Boyer, PhD, Dennis L. Confer, MD, David Porter, MD, Carl H. June, MD
Blood (2008) 112 (11): 468.
Published: 2008
Journal Articles
Donald E. Tsai, MD, PhD, Selina Luger, MD, Allison Kemner, RN, Alison W. Loren, MD, Cezary Swider, PhD, Ami Goradia, MD, Charalambos Andreadis, MD, Richard G. Ghalie, MD, James Thompson, MD, David Porter, MD, Edward A. Stadtmauer, MD, Stephen J. Schuster, MD, Alexander Perl, MD, Adam Bagg, MD, Steven Goldstein, MD, Martin Carroll, MD
Blood (2006) 108 (11): 1955.
Published: 2006
Journal Articles
Rebecca L. Olin, MD, David L. Porter, MD, Selina M. Luger, MD, Stephen J. Schuster, MD, Donald Tsai, MD, PhD, Sunita Nasta, MD, Alexander Perl, MD, Alison W. Loren, MD, Steven Goldstein, MD, Eli Glatstein, MD, Donald L. Siegel, MD, PhD, Dan T. Vogl, MD, Patricia Mangan, CRNP, Kathleen Cunningham, RN, BSN, Edward A. Stadtmauer, MD
Blood (2005) 106 (11): 1170.
Published: 2005
Journal Articles
Dan T. Vogl, MD, Selina Luger, MD, David L. Porter, MD, Elise A. Chong, Stephen J. Schuster, MD, Donald E. Tsai, MD, Alexander Perl, MD, Alison W. Loren, MD, MS, Stephen Goldstein, MD, Sunita D. Nasta, MD, Charalambos Andreadis, MD, Patricia A. Mangan, Kimberly Hummel, Donald L. Siegel, MD, PhD, Eli Glatstein, MD, Edward A. Stadtmauer, MD
Blood (2005) 106 (11): 1171.
Published: 2005
Journal Articles
Mark Levis, MD, PhD, B. Douglas Smith, MD, Miloslav Beran, MD, Maria R. Baer, MD, Harry P. Erba, MD, Larry Cripe, MD, Steven Coutre, MD, Anjali Advani, MD, Alexander Perl, MD, Marcel Devetten, MD, Robert Stuart, MD, Martin S. Tallman, MD, Peter Brown, PhD, Lothar Tremmel, Donald Small, MD, PhD
Blood (2005) 106 (11): 403.
Published: 2005
Journal Articles
Rebecca L. Olin, MD, Selina M. Luger, MD, David L. Porter, MD, Stephen J. Schuster, MD, Donald Tsai, MD, Phd, Sunita Nasta, MD, Alexander Perl, MD, Alison W. Loren, MD, Steven Goldstein, MD, Patricia Mangan, CRNP, Vicki Sherry, CRNP, Kathleen Cunningham, RN, Bob Sachs, Kim Hummel, Edward A. Stadtmauer, MD
Blood (2004) 104 (11): 5193.
Published: 2004
Journal Articles
Steven C. Goldstein, MD, Selina M. Luger, MD, Edward Stadtmauer, MD, Stephen Schuster, MD, Donald Tsai, MD, PhD, Sunita Nasta, MD, Alison Loren, MD, Alexander Perl, MD, Greg Orloff, MD, Julie Oliver, CRNP, Robert Sachs, Stephen Emerson, MD, PhD, David L. Porter, MD.
Blood (2004) 104 (11): 2258.
Published: 2004
Journal Articles
Margie Kasner, MD, Selina Luger, MD, Edward Stadtmauer, MD, Stephen Schuster, MD, Donald Tsai, MD, Sunita Nasta, MD, Alexander Perl, MD, Alison Loren, MD, Steven Goldstein, MD, Patricia Mangan, CRNP, Robert Sachs, Donald Seigel, MD, David Porter, MD
Blood (2004) 104 (11): 1872.
Published: 2004
Journal Articles
David Porter, MD, Bruce Levine, PhD, Nancy Bunin, MD, Edward Stadtmauer, MD, Selina Luger, MD, Steven Goldstein, MD, Stephen Schuster, MD, Donald Tsai, MD, Sunita Nasta, MD, Alison Loren, MD, Alexander Perl, MD, Julie Oliver, CRNP, Ambika Sohal, Liz Veloso, RN, Stephen Emerson, MD, PhD, Carl June, MD
Blood (2004) 104 (11): 1640.
Published: 2004
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