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Jane S Hankins, MD, MS
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Journal Articles
Rita V Masese, MSc,MD, Dominique Bulgin, BSN, RN, Liliana Preiss, Mitchell Knisely, PhD RN, Eleanor Stevenson, PhD RN, Jane S. Hankins, MD MS, Marsha Treadwell, PhD, Allison A. King, MDMPH,PhD, Victor R. Gordeuk, MD, Julie Kanter, MD, Robert Gibson, MD, Jeffrey A. Glassberg, MD, Paula Tanabe, PhDRN, Nirmish Shah, MD
Blood (2020) 136 (Supplement 1): 3.
Published: 2020
Journal Articles
Wally R Smith, MD, Jane S. Hankins, MD MS, Miguel R Abboud, MD, Ze Cong, PhD, Jonathan Sorof, MD, Sarah Gray, PhD, Carolyn Hoppe, MD, Paul Telfer, DM, FRCP
Blood (2020) 136 (Supplement 1): 5–6.
Published: 2020
Journal Articles
Hamda Khan, MA, Nariman Ammar, PhD, Jerlym S. Porter, PhD MPH, Juan Ding, PhD, Jeremie H. Estepp, MD, Jason R. Hodges, PhD MA, Arash Shaban-Nejad, PhD MPH, Winfred Wang, MD, James G Gurney, PhD, Guolian Kang, PhD, Robert Davis, MD MPH, Jane S. Hankins, MD MS
Blood (2020) 136 (Supplement 1): 19.
Published: 2020
Journal Articles
Victor R. Gordeuk, MD, Barbara Kroner, PhD, Norma Pugh, PhD, Jane S. Hankins, MD MS, Abdullah Kutlar, MD, Allison A. King, MDMPH,PhD, Nirmish Shah, MD, Julie Kanter, MD, Jeffrey Glassberg, MD, Marsha Treadwell, PhD
Blood (2020) 136 (Supplement 1): 33.
Published: 2020
Journal Articles
Rita V Masese, MSc,MD, Dominique Bulgin, BSN, RN, Mitchell Knisely, PhD RN, Liliana Preiss, Eleanor Stevenson, PhD RN, Jane S. Hankins, MD MS, Marsha Treadwell, PhD, Allison A. King, MDMPH,PhD, Victor R. Gordeuk, MD, Julie Kanter, MD, Robert Gibson, MD, Jeffrey A. Glassberg, MD, Paula Tanabe, PhDRN, Nirmish Shah, MD
Blood (2020) 136 (Supplement 1): 37.
Published: 2020
Journal Articles
Andrew M Heitzer, PhD, Jennifer Longoria, PhD, Evadnie Rampersaud, PhD, Sara Rashkin, PhD, Jeremie H. Estepp, MD, Victoria Okhomina, MS, Winfred Wang, MD, Darcy Raches, PhD, Brian Potter, PhD, Allison A. King, MDMPH,PhD, Guolian Kang, PhD, Jane S. Hankins, MD MS
Blood (2020) 136 (Supplement 1): 23–24.
Published: 2020
Journal Articles
Anjelica C. Saulsberry, BA, Marita Partanen, PhD, Jerlym S. Porter, PhD MPH, Pradeep S. B. Podila, PhD MS, Jason R. Hodges, PhD MA, Allison A. King, MD MPH, PhD, Winfred Wang, MD, Xiwen Zhao, MSPH, Guolian Kang, PhD, Lisa M. Jacola, PhD ABPP-CN, Jane S. Hankins, MD MS
Blood (2019) 134 (Supplement_1): 519.
Published: 2019
Journal Articles
Alexis Leonard, MD, Naoya Uchida, MD, David F. Stroncek, MD, Sandhya R. Panch, MDMPH, Kamille West, Eoghan George Molloy, MD, Tom Hughes, Pharm.D., Sara Hauffe, RN, Tiffani Taylor, Courtney D. Fitzhugh, MD, Jane S. Hankins, MD MS, Megan Wilson, MSW, CCRP, Akshay Sharma, MBBS, Shengdar Q. Tsai, PhD, Mitchell J. Weiss, MD, PhD, Matthew Hsieh, MD, John F. Tisdale, MD
Blood (2019) 134 (Supplement_1): 1964.
Published: 2019
Journal Articles
Evaluation of Factors Influencing Health Literacy in Adolescents and Adults with Sickle Cell Disease
Nidhi Bhatt, MD, Cecelia Calhoun, MD, Jason R. Hodges, PhD MA, Chinonyelum Nwosu, Guolian Kang, PhD, Allison A. King, MD MPH, PhD, Xiwen Zhao, MSPH, Jane S. Hankins, MD MS
Blood (2019) 134 (Supplement_1): 2110.
Published: 2019
Journal Articles
Grace Champlin, MD, Scott Hwang, MD PhD, Guolian Kang, PhD, Juan Ding, PhD, Jeremie H. Estepp, MD, Kenneth I. Ataga, MD, Curtis L. Owens, MD, Justin Newman, MD, Lisa M. Jacola, PhD ABPP-CN, Allison A. King, MD MPH, PhD, Robert Davis, MD MPH, Winfred Wang, MD, Jane S. Hankins, MD MS
Blood (2019) 134 (Supplement_1): 2290.
Published: 2019
Journal Articles
Anjelica C. Saulsberry, BA, Kristen Howell, MPH, Joacy Mathias, MSc, Jerlym S. Porter, PhD MPH, Jason R. Hodges, PhD MA, Kenneth I. Ataga, MD, Sheila Anderson, RN, Vikki Nolan, MPH, DSc, Jane S. Hankins, MD MS
Blood (2019) 134 (Supplement_1): 4676.
Published: 2019
Journal Articles
Jeremie H. Estepp, MD, Ze Cong, PhD, Irene Agodoa, MD, Guolian Kang, PhD, Juan Ding, PhD, M. Beth McCarville, MD, Jane S. Hankins, MD MS, Winfred Wang, MD
Blood (2019) 134 (Supplement_1): 1002.
Published: 2019
Journal Articles
Parul Rai, MD, Guolian Kang, PhD, Ronak Naik, MD, Jason Goldberg, MD, Xiwen Zhao, MSPH, Kenneth I. Ataga, MD, Vijaya Joshi, MD, Jane S. Hankins, MD MS
Blood (2019) 134 (Supplement_1): 1006.
Published: 2019
Journal Articles
Rima Zahr, DO, Jeffrey Lebensburger, DO, MSPH, Evadnie Rampersaud, PhD, Jane S. Hankins, MD MS, Jeremie H. Estepp, MD
Blood (2018) 132 (Supplement 1): 2377.
Published: 2018
Journal Articles
Evadnie Rampersaud, PhD, Lance E. Palmer, PhD, Jane S. Hankins, MD MS, Vivien A Sheehan, MD PhD, Wenjian Bi, PhD, Heather Mulder, BS, Guolian Kang, PhD, Jeremie H. Estepp, MD, Shuoguo Wang, PhD, Andrew Thrasher, PhD, Martha Villavicencio, PhD, Jason R Hodges, PhD MA, Wenan Chen, PhD, Ti-Cheng Chang, PhD, Yong Cheng, PhD, Michael Rusch, BS, Yadav Sapkota, PhD, Akshay Sharma, MBBS, Pavel Sumazin, PhD, Xing Tang, PhD, Amanda M. Brandow, DO, MS, Shawn Levy, Nidal Boulos, PhD, Celeste Rosencrance, BS, Donald Yergeau, PhD, Jeffrey Lebensburger, DO, MSPH, Winfred Wang, MD, Yutaka Yasui, PhD, John Easton, PhD, Michael R. DeBaun, MD, James R. Downing, MD, Jinghui Zhang, Gang Wu, PhD, Mitchell J. Weiss, MD PhD
Blood (2018) 132 (Supplement 1): 3641.
Published: 2018
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Anjelica Christina Saulsberry, BA, Pradeep S. B. Podila, PhD MS, Shiela Anderson, RN, Jason R Hodges, PhD MA, Jerlym Porter, PhD MPH, Jane S. Hankins, MD MS
Blood (2018) 132 (Supplement 1): 5820.
Published: 2018
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Yan Zheng, MD PhD, Ti-Cheng Chang, PhD, Gang Wu, PhD, Jane S. Hankins, MD MS, Mitchell J. Weiss, MD PhD, Connie M. Westhoff, PhD, Stella T. Chou, MD
Blood (2018) 132 (Supplement 1): 2332.
Published: 2018
Journal Articles
Alireza Paikari, MD, Tian Mi, PhD, Yankai Zhang, PhD, Evadnie Rampersaud, PhD, Guolian Kang, PhD, Gang Wu, PhD, Jane S. Hankins, MD MS, Jeremie H. Estepp, MD, Pavel Sumazin, PhD, Mitchell J. Weiss, MD PhD, Vivien A Sheehan, MD PhD
Blood (2018) 132 (Supplement 1): 722.
Published: 2018
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