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Roberta H. Adams, MD
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Journal Articles
Evaluation of Revised International Staging System for Transplant-Eligible Multiple Myeloma Patients
Veronica Gonzalez-Calle, MD, Abigail Slack, Susan Luft, M.S., R.N., Kathryn Pearce, Rhett P. Ketterling, MD, Tania Jain, M.B., B.S, Sinto Sebastian Chirackal, PhD, Craig B. Reeder, MD, Joseph Mikhael, MD, Leif Bergsagel, MD, Pierre Noel, MD, Angela Mayo, P.A.-C., M.S., James L. Slack, MD, Roberta H. Adams, MD, Gregory Ahmann, Esteban Braggio, PhD, Keith Stewart, M.B., Ch.B., Scott Van Wier, Rafael Fonseca, MD
Blood (2016) 128 (22): 3452.
Published: 2016
Journal Articles
Tania Jain, M.B.,B.S, Shu Ting Kung, MD, Vishal Shah, Pharm.D., R.Ph., Amylou Constance Dueck, PhD, Heidi E. Kosiorek, MS, Joseph Mikhael, MD, P. Leif Bergsagel, MD, Craig B. Reeder, MD, Pierre Noel, MD, Roberta H. Adams, MD, Susan Luft, M.S., R.N., Angela Mayo, P.A.-C., M.S., A. Keith Stewart, M.B., Ch.B., Rafael Fonseca, MD
Blood (2016) 128 (22): 4629.
Published: 2016
Journal Articles
Paolo Anderlini, MD, Juan Wu, MS, H. Joachim Deeg, MD, Iris Gersten, MS, Marian Ewell, ScD, Jakub Tolar, MD PhD, Joseph H. Antin, MD, Sally Arai, MD, Mitchell E. Horwitz, MD, John M. McCarty, MD, Ryotaro Nakamura, MD, Michael A. Pulsipher, MD, Roberta H. Adams, MD, Eric Leifer, PhD, Shelly L Carter, ScD, Nancy L DiFronzo, PhD, Mary M. Horowitz, MD MS, Dennis L. Confer, MD, Mary Eapen, MBBS, MS
Blood (2014) 124 (21): 541.
Published: 2014
Journal Articles
Allison A King, MD MPH, Nancy Bunin, MD, Indira Sahdev, MBBS, Joel A Brochstein, MD FAAP, Allistair Abraham, MD, Jacqueline Dioguardi, PA-C, Naynesh R. Kamani, MD, Eric Jon Anderson, MD, Jennifer Willert, MD, Ka Wah Chan, MD, Michael Grimley, MD, Dorothea N. Douglas, MBBS, Roberta H. Adams, MD, Sonali Chaudhury, MD, Lolie C. Yu, MD, Andrew Gilman, MD, Martin Andreansky, MD PhD, Geoff D. E. Cuvelier, MD FRCP(C), Alfred P. Gillio, MD, Kimberly A. Kasow, D.O., Paul R. Haut, MD, Gregory A. Hale, MD, Jignesh Dalal, MD, Akshat Jain, MD MPH, MBBS, Eric Hanson, Lisa. Murray, BS, Shalini Shenoy, MD
Blood (2014) 124 (21): 3873.
Published: 2014
Journal Articles
Jared Klein, MD, James L Slack, MD, Lisa Sproat, MD, MSW, Veena Fauble, MD, Nandita Khera, MD, MPH, Jose F. Leis, MD, PhD, Pierre Noel, MD, Sergio Torloni, MD, Roberta H. Adams, MD, Jeff Betcher, RPh
Blood (2013) 122 (21): 4590.
Published: 2013
Journal Articles
Nandita Khera, MD, Amylou C. Dueck, PhD, Veena Devi Salem Fauble, MD, Lisa Sproat, MD, MSW, Pierre Noel, MD, Jose Leis, MD, PhD, Roberta H. Adams, MD, James L Slack, MD
Blood (2012) 120 (21): 4479.
Published: 2012
Journal Articles
Veena Devi Salem Fauble, MD, James L Slack, MD, William Hogan, MD, Vivek Roy, M.D., Jose Leis, MD, PhD, Amylou C. Dueck, PhD, Mark R Litzow, MD, Mrinal M. Patnaik, MBBS, MD, Pardanani Animesh, MBBS, PhD, Candido E. Rivera, MD, Raoul Tibes, MD, PhD, John Camoriano, MD, Roberta H. Adams, MD, Pierre Noel, MD, Nandita Khera, MD, Lisa Sproat, MD, MSW, Ruben A. Mesa
Blood (2012) 120 (21): 2850.
Published: 2012
Journal Articles
James L. Slack, MD, Jose F. Leis, MD, PhD, Craig B. Reeder, MD, Joseph R. Mikhael, MD, Pierre Noel, MD, Ruben A. Mesa, MD, Raoul Tibes, MD, PhD, Jeffrey A. Betcher, R.Ph, Mary E Peterson, C.N.P, Meagan S. Higgins, C.N.P, Ginger Gillette-Kent, C.N.P, Lisa D. Tremblay, N.P, Jane J. Olson, NP, Roberta H. Adams, MD
Blood (2011) 118 (21): 1977.
Published: 2011
Journal Articles
Jakub Tolar, MD, PhD, H. Joachim Deeg, M.D., Sally Arai, MD, Mitchell Horwitz, MD, Joseph H. Antin, MD, John M. McCarty, MD, Roberta H. Adams, MD, Mary Eapen, MBBS, Marian Ewell, ScD, Eric Leifer, PhD, Iris Gersten, MS, Shelly L Carter, ScD, Mary M. Horowitz, MD, Dennis L Confer, MD, Ryotaro Nakamura, MD, Michael Pulsipher, MD, Nancy L DiFronzo, PhD, Paolo Anderlini, MD
Blood (2011) 118 (21): 3009.
Published: 2011
Journal Articles
James L. Slack, MD, Jose F. Leis, MD, PhD, Craig B. Reeder, MD, Joseph R. Mikhael, MD, Raoul Tibes, MD, PhD, Pierre Noel, MD, Ruben A. Mesa, MD, Jeffrey A. Betcher, R.Ph, Mary E Peterson, C.N.P, Meagan S. Higgins, C.N.P, Ginger Gillette-Kent, C.N.P, Lisa D. Tremblay, N.P, Jane J Olsen, N.P, Roberta H. Adams, MD
Blood (2011) 118 (21): 4527.
Published: 2011
Journal Articles
Paul G. Richardson, MD, Angela R. Smith, MD, MS, Stephan A Grupp, MD, PhD, Nancy A. Kernan, MD, Sally Arai, MD, Paul R. Haut, MD, Brandon M. Triplett, MD, Alfred P. Gillio, III, MD, Heather J. Symons, Roberta H. Adams, MD, Biljana N. Horn, MD, Kenneth Lucas, MD, Paul L. Martin, MD, PhD, Shin Mineishi, MD, Edward D. Ball, M.D., Michael Boyer, MD, John Fort, MD, Ivan I. Kirov, MD, Leslie E. Lehmann, MD, Catherine Madigan, MD, Michelle E. Maglio, Joseph Massaro, Ph.D., Ralph B. D'Agostino, PhD, Alison L. Hannah, MD, Elena Tudone, Robin Hume, Massimo Iacobelli, MD, Robert J. Soiffer, MD, Defibrotide Study Group
Blood (2011) 118 (21): 487.
Published: 2011
Journal Articles
Chad Cherington, MD, James L. Slack, MD, Jose F. Leis, MD, PhD, Roberta H. Adams, MD, Craig B. Reeder, MD, Joseph R. Mikhael, MD, John Camoriano, MD, Pierre Noel, MD, Raoul Tibes, MD, PhD, Jeffrey A. Betcher, R.Ph, Mary E Peterson, C.N.P, Meagan S. Higgins, C.N.P, Ginger Gillette-Kent, C.N.P, Lisa D. Tremblay, N.P, Jane J Olsen, N.P, Ruben A. Mesa, MD
Blood (2011) 118 (21): 1749.
Published: 2011
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