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About The Hematologist

The Hematologist: ASH News & Reports is ASH’s official member newsletter. The Hematologist is published six times per year and covers important developments in hematologic research, clinical practice, and health-care policy, as well as important updates about Society events, initiatives, and services.

Editorial Purpose and Scope
The purpose of The Hematologist is:

  • to facilitate communication between ASH and its membership regarding the services provided by ASH on behalf of its members,
  • to enhance communication throughout the ASH membership regarding important developments in the discipline, and
  • to increase the service to our constituency by providing concise and easy-to-read summaries of important recent findings in basic and translational research and clinical investigation.

In each issue, The Hematologist delivers concise, lucid, and provocative digests of major breakthrough articles recently published in the literature, via the Diffusion department. Diffusion articles translate basic science breakthroughs for practicing clinicians and, conversely, clinical breakthroughs for laboratory investigators, as published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. Also in every issue are summaries of clinical trials that are currently recruiting, published in the “Clinical Trials Corner.” These articles are written by a board of Contributing Editors, composed of senior-level hematologists with a variety of areas expertise, located at institutions worldwide. (Visit the Editorial Board page for a complete list of current and past Contributing Editors and Editors in Chief.)

Regular feature-length articles in The Hematologist include “Ask the Hematologist” articles, offering expert opinion focused on challenging diagnostic and management issues, and “Mini Review,” which present concise reviews of a variety of topics that illustrate the relationship of basic research to clinical hematology; "No Data Zone" article that provide expert contributions spotlighting areas of hematology that lack data; and more. (Vist the Columns page to learn more.) Usually contributed by guest authors, these articles represent some of the most widely read pieces of content on The Hematologist website, and they enrich our readership with a broad array of voices from all throughout the hematology community. Visit the Submissions page for more info on how to submit a letter or proposal for an original feature.

The information presented in the Op-Eds for The Hematologist does not necessarily represent the opinions, beliefs, or positions of The Hematologist and/or the American Society of Hematology. The Hematologist is not responsible for any errors or omissions in the materials; reliance on any information presented is solely at your own risk. The Hematologist welcomes Op-Ed pieces or letters of up to 200 words to the editor on any subject, and will publish based on editorial decisions regarding interest to readers and space availability. These Op-Eds may also be edited for reasons of space and clarity. Visit the Submissions page for more info on how to submit a letter or proposal for an Op-Ed.

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